My top GLW is jealous????


10 Years
Dec 28, 2009
Bellingham Wa
Every time the EE roo tries to do his duty... my GLW either comes to the front of the hen and pecks @ her head OR goes to the back and pecks... well you know where. Lacy is the top hen and my only roo is almost 5 months old. He is trying his best but keeps getting interrupted, and the poor hen that is subject to all this fall-dur-all is pretty much undone. Ideas???

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Oh Nooo !
Happy.... I didn't realize That was a bad word. I'm sorry... So does that mean she IS JEALOUS ??? how would I resolve the problem?
OK PEOPLE This must be odd. I get that. But I just came in from spreading mint in the coop, and sat down to say goodnight to the girls.The roo started to do his thing and Lacy the GLW ran over and "talked" to the hen. Really ... It was like she was saying" just calm down sweety, " I am not crazy... just a little bent? please validate my existence.

I think she was trying to teach the young girls.
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I would say this is all normal...

I don't have a roo, so I don't have that experience, but I do have a #2 hen that will not permit #3 to get any affection from me, in public. So much so that #3 is terrified if I hold her, which she has every right to do so because the moment I put her down she will get a flying chicken foot to the head kung fu take down. I can't give #3 a mount/shake down if she squats around #2 either, as that will result in head pecks and major in-your-place treatment.

She's tolerant if #1 gets favored, but I think she mumbles things under her beak.
I have the exact same thing. My hen is so jealous of the pullets. If I pick one up or offer them treats, she flies at them and pecks them. I was thinking that maybe when they are full grown and bigger than her, they may defend themselves.
debonthweb: I can see you from my back yard~~~
not really, but we're close.
Well I'm going to figure this out, see if there is a solution, and let you know
It just sounds like typical pecking order antics. As long a no one gets hurt. The too will figure things out I'm sure, especially when he gets older.
Not a bad word, but not exactly appropriate for our younger members.

She could be, but she could also just be asserting herself over the hen - is that hen above her in the pecking order? Like when one is down, it's payback time. Or maybe she thought the rooster was attacking her and came to join in the attack. I've seen lots of weird stuff like this. I once held down a rooster that had attacked me and a hen came over and bit me to defend him. It's hard sometimes to figure out what's going on in their itsy bitsy brains.
Happy The hen doing the pecking is the top hen. The ones she pecks while roo is doing his job... is always screaming and a almost or new layer. Last night it looked as though her reaction was different, no pecking. She just talked into the lower hens ear while being mounted. Does that make sense ???

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