My two year old hen hasnt layed for 5 days


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
My hen hasn't laid for 5 days she recently lost her buddy and was on her own for 3 days she laid on the third day then we got two new pullets and she hasn't laid since. We have let her out for most of the days since. I'm not sure if she has a secret nest somewhere in the garden or has stopped due to stress any ideas or remedies would be greatly appreciated. The new pullets have been lying in the nesting box for a bit because they are scared and I am worried that this has deterred my hen from laying.
It is very possible your bird is mourning over the loss of her buddy. I have seen birds stop laying, go directly into a molt and even become very depressed over the loss of their buddies. I have a hen that lost her best buddy last November and it took her 2 full months before she began to return to her normal self. At 3 months she was nearly herself, but I am not sure these birds ever forget their close flock friends.

Just the same, check around to see if she might be laying in some secret nest. Otherwise keep an eye on her. I keep a ticking clock in the coop to help ease any stress and even keep a radio on some quiet music on during the day. It really helped my hen get over her loss.

Good luck with your hen and flock!
Oh, and it never hurts to keep fake eggs in the nest boxes too. Hens like to lay where others have do so and stayed safe. Clean out your boxes to and replace all the bedding occasionally. Hens know when they are dirty. I hang curtains over my nest boxes too. Really keeps the birds calmer and eases their minds on laying.

Young pullets can take a while to get the hang of laying in the boxes but they will eventually learn as well.
Thank you very much for the advice we have some rubber eggs somewhere which I will put in the nesting box. Heather her buddy and her were very close but I think it's the new pullets that have stopped her laying because she did lay two days after her buddies death. I've had a proper search round the garden and I can't find any eggs but all the same I will keep her in the pen for a couple of days. Hopefully she begins to lay again soon. She is definitely top spot and she gives the young ones a sharp peck whenever they go for the food so I don't think she's scared of them it's just the change.
I also heard that apple cider vinegar when put into water helps to relax the girls
ACV is certainly a good tonic but I don't think it will have any effect on relaxing them. But it certainly can't hurt!

Good luck and I hope your hen starts to lay soon. :)
As she's only two and a very healthy bird I don't think that her age is a problem but I agree for other birds that could be a reason. I've just checked and I don't have ACV in my larder but I'll get some tomorrow.
Two is considered pretty old in the egg ranch industry. For them every egg really counts. So they're usually soup by then...

It has nothing to do with health, it happens with all chickens. The lay rate declines differently though.

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