Narrowing Chicken Wishlist


Jan 1, 2022
Newhall, California
I'm trying to narrow my chicken wishlist and need to whittle the following down to two or three. My goal is a very mixed flock. Looking for input on the following breeds of hens:

Speckled Sussex
Black Sexlink
Blue Splash Ameracauna
Blue Wyandotte

I will eventually be integrating them with a Whiting Tru Blue, Buff Orp, an Easter Egger, Cream Legbar, a dark brahma and an Australorp. I am located just north of Los Angeles so cold weather is not a concern. They will have free range time in my gardens only when supervised due to predators.
Since you already have a good assortment of blue layers, I would actually go with something like a Marans or a Welsummer. Those dark chocolate eggs are beautiful.

For what's on your list, I would do the Ancona for the white eggs.

For a second or third on you list, I would go with the prettiness of the bird - so an SS is always a good choice there. I am also partial to wyandottes. Their untrue coloring can leave you with a nice surprise as well.
Since you already have a good assortment of blue layers, I would actually go with something like a Marans or a Welsummer. Those dark chocolate eggs are beautiful.

For what's on your list, I would do the Ancona for the white eggs.

For a second or third on you list, I would go with the prettiness of the bird - so an SS is always a good choice there. I am also partial to wyandottes. Their untrue coloring can leave you with a nice surprise as well.
LizzyJo, thank you for your recommendations! There are so many options and I have previously only had plymouths, RIR's, leghorns and a couple sweet silkies. Starting new is fun but overwhelming, lol
LizzyJo, thank you for your recommendations! There are so many options and I have previously only had plymouths, RIR's, leghorns and a couple sweet silkies. Starting new is fun but overwhelming, lol
I didn't think I would be as interested in egg color as bird color, but when I started gifting the eggs everyone flipped over the colors, so now I prize that much more. I now always advise people to plan on living for egg color and to not fill their coop before considering it.
I personally would go w the rarest, as it will be harder to find them if you decide to wait until next time.
In order of preference I would rank them:
Blue Wyandotte
Blue/Splash Ameraucana
Speckled Sussex
Black Sexlink

Black Sexlink is extremely common, and Speckled Sussex probably the next most common. Good luck with your choice! I have a long wish list as well! 2022 order is in, so the rest are on my 2023 list! 😂
I personally would go w the rarest, as it will be harder to find them if you decide to wait until next time.
In order of preference I would rank them:
Blue Wyandotte
Blue/Splash Ameraucana
Speckled Sussex
Black Sexlink

Black Sexlink is extremely common, and Speckled Sussex probably the next most common. Good luck with your choice! I have a long wish list as well! 2022 order is in, so the rest are on my 2023 list! 😂
I ended up ordering the Blue Wyandotte, Welbar & the Speckled Sussex to round out my order. I'm going to need more property for my 2023 chicken list, lol.
Congratulations on making your decisions. BTW, my Speckled Sussex, Bronwyn, is always most eager to "help" me with any project where I don't need assistance. I am never lonely when Bronwyn is about.

My two Wyandottes, a Blue Laced Red and a Columbian, are polar opposites of each other. The BLRW is pleasant but standoffish, and the other is outgoing and eager to follow me around. It will be interesting to see how your girls turn out.

Best wishes!

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