Naturally Worming Chickens

Hi people

I have a sick baby chicken. She is a few weeks old and she is infected with worms. I saw through the topic that using red pepper, garlic etc, may help. Which one you think it is better?

Any help is really welcome...

I lost one a few days ago, i would really like to save this one.
I am sorry about your baby chick, I use this wormer called Kroeger Herbal Wormwood Combination, I have used it for years on my dogs. It is sold at (I love them) Link: It is around $6 for 100 capsules, I open them up and mix with sweet feed, I do not know what can be used to treat the little ones, sorry. Best of luck.


BTW.. I would try the garlic, red peppers and pumpkins. I dont think it will hurt..
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i tried verm x on my chickens they wouldn't touch it smells really strong, didn'y give them any treats, thinking they would eat it, they just avioided there food & was starving, so i am putting DE, and cayenne pepper in their food but i am still investigating further i also read garlic is good for them may try that in some mash for them
Ok-I love all the natural worming remedies. BUT has anyone actually SEEN results? I used DE for a while but still wonder if it's a bit of hype! Thank you!
I have been giving my chooks red pepper and garlic mixed in with the eggs I cook up. I have been doing this for over a year now. I have gotten down on my knees and checked their droppings for worms and I cant see any. But that doesn't mean they are not there. My chickens are healthy and have been providing me eggs all year long. That is my experience. Another note, I have no strong pepper or garlic taste in my eggs.
AWESOME news!! I just gave all but my laying flock a healthy dose of Cayenne pepper in their feed as a kick-start for egg laying...not sure if it really worked for that or not, but sounds like I might have already solved my spring worming issue!

I 've got a few more peppers I can use for the laying flock, and I think I'll still put some garlic in their water to be double safe. Do you just crush the clove and drop it in the waterer?? How much in a 5 gallon & 2 gallon waterer?

Edited to add last question
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DE is hype and wont prevent nor kill worms. VermX, garlic, cayenne pepper and pumpkin seeds might help as preventatives, but wont kill worms. It's unlikely you'll see worms in poop, why should they detach themselves from the host? If you see any, it's because your chicken has an infestation internally and are overloaded, no place to go but out. They will be dieing because they cant survive outside the host.

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