Need advice on building a home for my silkies!


6 Years
May 15, 2014
Steuben County NY
I have a newly developed obsession with my silkies, and hoping to have a small flock of them before fall. I would like to make them housing closer to my house, and separate from where my layers are now.
I have a silkie roo and a somewhat silkie hen now (75% silkie but she is cross, not a silkie) they are in with my layers and at night they lay under where my girls roost and get pooed on as well as my red sex links like to pull at their heads. So before I grow my silkie flock, I want to give them seperate housing. I am taking in consideration they do not roost high and have the feathered feet I hope to keep somewhat clean, as well as the fact they do not handle the cold/heat as well as my layers. Any experienced silkie people out there have advice for me as I do not know where to start with this new silkie "house".
It sounds like you have the issues in hand! Mary
I have the issues just not all the solutions!
I would build a coop that will work for any chickens, and that is easy to manage. A shed type structure that you can walk around in, not a dog house box. Insulate at least the roof, if not all the walls. It will keep it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Nest boxes on the floor, and roosts very low. Lots of ventilation! I had Silkies long ago, and didn't realize how special needs they were, and won't have them again. Mary

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