Need help sexing before rehoming


11 Years
Jan 21, 2013
Prince George, British Columbia
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping to get some help in here, I suspect I ended up with much more than the 50% roo's I anticipated I might get in the "barnyard mix" I ordered and I need to start rehoming some because there's too much fighting going on. One bird in particular is really not well liked in the flock. I need to move him out before he's really hurt (or hurts someone else). Anyhoo, before I do that I want to make sure I know for sure what I'm dealing with because I'm a complete newbie and so far most of my guesses about what breed and gender my birds are have been wrong. :D

Without further ado...

#1 - splash ameraucana/americauna/easter egger... whatever he is he's probably not pure.
He's not well-liked by the rest of the flock, and despite being handled like the rest of my birds he's always been very tense and confrontational. The rest of the birds cuddle and roost on us, and if we pick them up they just hunker down and have a little nap on us. This guy does not, he's a rock solid bundle of tension, ready to remove a finger for you if you make the mistake of putting it near his face. I've spent extra time with him, being very gentle and bribing with treats, but he doesn't give in - he just looks mad at me, doesn't he?
Lemon Drop 7 wks.jpg

#2 and #3 - Hybrids from a local farm, sold as barnyard mix. My guess would be something like a RIR or sex-a-link , but I really don't know anything about anything!

Penny 7 wks 2.jpg

#4 - This one I'm hoping is actually a hen but due to behaviour I don't think I'm going to get what I want here. He/she's pretty game to fight if someone else starts it. I was told it's another americauna (note the spelling) but I'm thinking Easter Egger. And I thought I saw a teeny tiny 3-row comb coming in, that means cockerel, right??
(Also, she/he's not light grey, actually quite dark, it's just a bad pic.)
Betty White 7 wks.jpg

Any help is very much appreciated, especially if you tell me #4 might be a girl! :D:D (But I won't hold my breath.)

Thanks in advance!


  • Betty White 7 wks.jpg
    Betty White 7 wks.jpg
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The first grey bird looks like a girl to me based on the legs/feet, especially compared to the grey bird being held above the roosting bars. Girls can be really snappy too.

The middle two, definitely cockerels- please check on the green leg band, I could be wrong but that looks tight.

Hard to tell the almost black bird- if you can get us pictures including the legs that might help, though I would lean towards girl.

For these ages the dead giveaway for me is the thickness of the legs and the size of the feet when the comb isn't a determining factor yet.
The first one looks like a pullet. The second and third are barnyard hybrids, and both cockerels. The fourth looks like a pullet. The three row comb is a comb type called a pea comb, and male and female ameraucanas have it. The fifth one looks like a pullet.
The first grey bird looks like a girl to me based on the legs/feet, especially compared to the grey bird being held above the roosting bars. Girls can be really snappy too.

The middle two, definitely cockerels- please check on the green leg band, I could be wrong but that looks tight.

Hard to tell the almost black bird- if you can get us pictures including the legs that might help, though I would lean towards girl.

For these ages the dead giveaway for me is the thickness of the legs and the size of the feet when the comb isn't a determining factor yet.

The green band is okay (checked yesterday, still moves easily and the elastic is not stretched at all) however, all of the bands are coming off this week as any more growth and that won't be true. Thank you, I appreciate you mentioning it as it would be easy to overlook. :)

The almost black one I was thinking (and hoping) girl as well. I don't have more pics today, it was a struggle to get that one, everyone was shy and grumpy today!

Feet and legs... darn. I was hoping Betty White's giant feet wouldn't be an indication she was a he. :p
The first one looks like a pullet. The second and third are barnyard hybrids, and both cockerels. The fourth looks like a pullet. The three row comb is a comb type called a pea comb, and male and female ameraucanas have it. The fifth one looks like a pullet.

Oh! I thought only the males would have a pea comb for some reason. Thanks!
Pullets will get into tussles, btw. They are just figuring out who's boss hen.

Yeah, they all kind of tussle, kind of like kids posturing and rough housing, I just find she's starting to be quite mean about it, jumping on other birds' backs, pulling on feathers, etc. And she doesn't just have a little dust up and move on, she follows whoever is ticking her off and keeps going at them. The other birds don't put up with it, but now that just means she's the most hated bird in the bunch. I'm concerned it's just going to get worse, wondered if he/she might be more calm and happy in another flock. It's one of our favorites though, I was really hoping to keep her.
Yeah, they all kind of tussle, kind of like kids posturing and rough housing, I just find she's starting to be quite mean about it, jumping on other birds' backs, pulling on feathers, etc. And she doesn't just have a little dust up and move on, she follows whoever is ticking her off and keeps going at them. The other birds don't put up with it, but now that just means she's the most hated bird in the bunch. I'm concerned it's just going to get worse, wondered if he/she might be more calm and happy in another flock. It's one of our favorites though, I was really hoping to keep her.
I'll feel like they'll work it out as they mature. Chickens can be buttholes.

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