need to know if raccoon or hawk killed my chicken

to you for Jack and for your hen. Very sorry for your crummy week.

Sounds like a hawk. I second the idea of keeping them locked up for a day or two if possible to let the bugger move on to better hunting elsewhere. That's what I would do. In lieu of that, staying in the woods is their best bet for survival, and they seem to know that.

Oh! You know, I remember someone here saying that putting up one of those fake owls helped them deter hawks. I don't know if that would help or not, but I remember them saying nothing messes with owls...
Sorry for your loss X 2.. I lost a chick to a halk last week - took it and flew away, we had to put a tops on there runs. He came back next day and was sitting on the frame, Just the sound of my door opening & he took off.. You might want to make a scarecrow & hang it, with the sleeves unstuffed so they will move with the wind.. Halks dont come near people & they will stay in the sky. But I would get the a run with a top, This seems to be a bad year. I have had chickens for 2+ years with no loss, untill this year, I had 2 RIR killed tore up & left in there run??? we have cought a fox & opossum no more attacks since we have put tops on all of the runs so I dont know what really killed them???

Wish you the best of luck
Well I know now it is a hawk!!! I was out this afternoon feeding my babies bananas and this hawk swooped down right in front of me and tried to grab a chicken! He had no fear of me,that is scary!! It took me about 30 minutes to get them out of the woods and I put them all in their coop for the day!! They were not happy with me cause their coop is only about a 10x10 building that really is only used for them to sleep in. It was kind of crowded in there today! What can I do this guy seems fearless! I wish I could cover their yard but it is way too big! We have a party rental company and we rent big tents. Do you think a big tent in the chicken yard would help? Would the hawk fly under the tent?
Sorry about the hawk... now that he's learned where the buffett is, you'll probably have an ongoing problem until you figure out a deterrent..

On a funny note.. a friend of mine was sitting on the porch watching the chickens scratch in the yard this summer when a redtail hawk swooped down on a chick.. His Buff Orpington rooster promptly attacked and ended up killing the hawk!!
I wonder if it would help if I put a few of my roosters in the big pen with the others? I have two roosters in one pen which are my oldest ones(a Buff Op and Dominque)-they are about 2 years old. Then my other pen has two roosters which are about a year old. The big pen does have two roosters in it but the are Phoenix and they are only about 8 months old. Would the older bigger roosters help to be in the big pen with all the girls?

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