Need to sex Call Ducks

How do I keep my female call duck from making those super loud quacks? She's a house duck and I'm afraid that the neighbors are going to hear her and start complaining. I don't know what to do.
How do I keep my female call duck from making those super loud quacks? She's a house duck and I'm afraid that the neighbors are going to hear her and start complaining. I don't know what to do.

I don't know of any way to keep any duck quiet. That's one of the cautions about Call ducks, that their call is very loud. The drakes aren't bad. They do tend to quack a lot more when they get excited, and you can reduce that to some extent by making sure they always have feed and water available instead of feeding them on a schedule, and toys for them to play with will sometimes help as well.
thanks for the info. I do leave fresh water and food available at all times.....along with toys. This is the first time she's ever been like this. I put the TV on and that seemed to calm her. She's been ok for a couple of hours. Fingers crossed.
thanks for the info. I do leave fresh water and food available at all times.....along with toys. This is the first time she's ever been like this. I put the TV on and that seemed to calm her. She's been ok for a couple of hours. Fingers crossed.

Just as a warning, she's probably gonna get a whole lot louder if she's still alone once she's sexually mature.
Does anyone know how I can keep a female call duck quiet? I live in a home that's not in an area zoned for farm animals. I raised a Muscovy from chick till he was 8 and had to be put down due to growths in is stomach and he was bleeding from the mouth. But he was a drake and only hissed. This girl can make a really, loud laugh sound and I don't know what to do to keep her quieter. I have plenty of toys in her enclosure and she lives in the house like my drake did. With the winter months coming, the windows are closed more. But come spring she will be really noisy as she reached maturity. I love her to pieces and would do anything to keep her here. She was born at the end of July. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I really love this little bugger. I have constant food and water available, too.
Sometimes she is absolutely amazing. Now loud at all...........then other days: yikes!!!!

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