Neighbor threatening to trap birds

A couple strands of electric fence would allow your chickens to go under or over the fence so a predator can't trap them .They deter 2 and 4 legged trespassers too.Poultry netting is a good temporary fence to keep your chickens on your side of the road
Clipping one wing would help with the fly over problem temporarily. But I like the reporting for animal cruelty even better. Just about normal for a PETA. "Do as I say, not as I do".
Yes, I gathered that there is much more, but this will solve that part and the nasty neighbor would have one less thing to use.
I don’t think it will.. Chickens across the road has been an issue for the neighbor to bait op. Even with the fence, this neighbor is the type of person who will find something else to use to cause problems

Neighbor hasn’t seen the horses in the pen she wanted? Better call animal control because they must be locked in small hot sheds.

Smoke from the property? Better call fire department because it must be a structure fire.

Fence will probably help, but ops problems have gone way beyond that…
A fence may reinforce the bondries for your chickens no matter what type of fence it is. On the other hand if they don't see it as a bondry, a wobbly fence that the chickens can not land on top of would be better than a solid fence. Obviously you will want to consider what you want your property to look like, but as far as being functional welded wire or even chicken wire would work for detering the chickens from crossing the road.
I agree with @tlcmurphy i was out watering my geese and ducks and thinking about how disgustingly cruel it is to keep 2 geese in 3x3 pen it’s horrific and I’m really upset about it I’d be calling animal control to rescue them immediately. And not to revenge neighbor but must rescue geese ( and did you say also a duck lives in a dog crate? ) I’m very upset
I agree with @tlcmurphy i was out watering my geese and ducks and thinking about how disgustingly cruel it is to keep 2 geese in 3x3 pen it’s horrific and I’m really upset about it I’d be calling animal control to rescue them immediately. And not to revenge neighbor but must rescue geese ( and did you say also a duck lives in a dog crate? ) I’m very upset
I believe they have a chicken in a dog crate, and yes it’s very upsetting ☹️

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