Neon blue earlobes? in a grey bantam silkie


15 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Williamson, GA
I have an 8-week old bantam silkie whole coloring is a mottled grey, in the last few weeks he/she has developed bright neon blue circles just below and behind the eyes, I presume these are earlobes? But what does it mean?? Neon blue eggs?
Definitely turquoise and so pretty! I hope it's a pullet, it came in a group of 4 assorted bantams. One I know is a beautiful silly buff cochin roo (crowed for the first time yesterday!), one is a salmon faverolle, one a mottled/partridge something I'm not sure of yet, and the last one is the silkie. She is very meek and sweet, and after researching the last few minutes, now I know why she likes to roost on the ground. I guess it's a silkie thing, too?

I let them all free range, and they were raised at the same time as two barred rocks and two golden laced wyandottes, who are getting so much bigger than them! But they are all still such good friends, so much fun to watch.

Aw...thank you! I got her and 3 others for setting. I still don't have an attachment to them...and I have YET to get them to set. I think someone forgot to send them the memo...

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