Nest Boxes for the plus size girls

I think either way would work. I have not see many nest boxes with openings, but its worth a try for something new!
My nest cluster of 8 boxes are about a foot square each, made from scrap wood years ago.


My orpington girls love milk crates for nest boxes. I have larger options but they like the milk crates. They look really funny, like they are crammed in there.
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Hens supposedly prefer privacy and small, secure spaces in which to lay or brood their clutch. I would recommend against a viewing window (or for light) into an exterior nest box. I also put interior nest boxes on walls under windows, rather than opposite them, so the light never shines across a coop into the nest boxes.

But I could be totally wrong and your windowed nest box might work fine.
Well that makes sense too. I just didn't want to get it all done and they hate it because it's pitch black in there lol. I think I'll do the double decker option with 4 boxes on top and 4 on bottom. I'll make it an appropriate width for the space it's going on and then put in removable dividers in case they want company I can pull them out. Thank you for the tips everyone! I will post the finished nest boxes when I'm done.
According to Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens, Hens like to lay eggs in dark, out of the way places. Discourage non-laying activity by placing nests on the darkest wall of your coop or shielding the nests from light. Here are their recommended sizes:

Leghorn size layers: 12"w x 14"h x 12"d
Heavier breeds: 14"w x 14"h x 12"d
Bantams: 10"w x 12"h x 10"d

They also say that a rail just below the entrance to the nest gives hens a place to land before entering. For most chickens the rail should be no closer than 8" from the edge of the nest to discourage roosting and pooping in the nest.

You can furnish a community nest, but any next large enough to accommodate more than one hen at a time invariably leads to broken eggs.
Thanks for this info! That is really helpful. It makes sense that they need it a little wider and taller but not deeper. I was mostly concerned about their height getting in and out I think. the rail will help them tremendously.
I see the nests you have built and they fit my need very well. They appear to be of good size and weight being made mostly from OSB. and 2x6 boards??. How did you attach them and how high off the ground are they. The nest appear to be approx. 15 x 15?? I am getting in April 11 Jersey Giants and one rooster. I read that height can be an issue for them. I have 10 other birds and they are also big birds Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons and others. Their nests are 15 inches off the ground, yours "appears" to be much higher. I am new at this chicken thing and rather hooked. My JG's will be totally separated from my other birds and separate yards as well. All well protected from predators AZ has coyotes this as fleas. Anyway any help you may off will be greatly appreciated.
Ray "Ray's Chickens"
Our oversize insulated nest box has an overall dimension of 30" wide x 24" long; with 18" high at the coop end and 13" high at the door end. It sits on two 2x4s that are part of the coop frame, made with 1/4" ply and insulation foam board to minimize the weight.

There are two nesting boxes with an internal usable dimensions of 13" wide x 13" high x 12" deep for each box, with a 9" high opening. Most of the time, our 4 hens will only use one box. Occasionally, two girls will snuggle up in the same box. There are plenty of room for the Leghorn to stand up, rotate around, reach out to pick some shaving and throw them into the nest box to redecorate.

Our next box has a 4" diameter vent hole so the girls can see outside and get some fresh air in the summer, but no more vents than that so the eggs won't freeze in the winter. The girls really prefer some privacy while laying eggs. If you watch them while they want to lay eggs, my experience has been that they tend to take longer to settle down while giving you the stink eyes.

I think a 12" to 14" cube should be able to accommodate most chickens.

We have buff orpingtons the nest box i built are 13x13 x14 high. This size seems to work great for them. I'm working on new coop for my barred rocks and I'm building their nests same size

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