Nesting box design


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2016
I have just over thirty chicks about 10 weeks old. Their coop is a 10X8 metal shed inside about a 50X50 ft fenced in run. I let them free range during the day and they put themselves up at night. I am in the process of building some nesting boxes and I would like to ask if I could build my boxes outside the coop with no entrances from the coop. If I connect the nesting boxes to the coop I would have to cut the metal building so they can enter it from the coop. I want to build it so the hens can roost by entering directly in the nest from the run. I would have a roof but the front of the nest would be exposed to the elements. All of the nesting boxes I see are either inside the coop or connected. Will this work? Also how many do you think I need?
I want to build it so the hens can roost by entering directly in the nest from the run.
I don't get this part. Guessing you don't mean roost rather nest and lay from the run.

Yeah, that can work. You'll have less time to collect eggs in winter before they freeze if your in a cold climate. Without heat coops are warmer than outside temps. I've seen outside nests before, with an awning like your thinking it should provide enough shade they will naturally want to lay in them. Try to locate North side if not possible at least don't have it southern exposure. Hens like dark, secluded and small places to lay. If built right there is no issue getting them to use them right from the first eggs.
I don't get this part. Guessing you don't mean roost rather nest and lay from the run.

Yeah, that can work. You'll have less time to collect eggs in winter before they freeze if your in a cold climate. Without heat coops are warmer than outside temps. I've seen outside nests before, with an awning like your thinking it should provide enough shade they will naturally want to lay in them. Try to locate North side if not possible at least don't have it southern exposure. Hens like dark, secluded and small places to lay. If built right there is no issue getting them to use them right from the first eggs. 
Yes, sorry I did mean nest. How many boxes do you think I need. I was gonna stack four on four. Will that be enough.
I have 3 nests out in the run, stacked in the corner by the pop door. Some of my hens used them from spring till September, for some reason when it gets cooler they all move their egg laying in the coop (6 nests inside) I got 9 total nests for 20 layers, they only use 3-4 the most.

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