
Big thank you to SunnyDawn for the Marans hatching eggs. My family and I had the pleasure of meeting Sunny and her hubby today. Great people, and great looking eggs. And thank you sherylreno for the referral. Eggs are already under the two broody girls. *****fingers crossed***** Come on babies!
Hi everyone, the 2 new chickens I got are not going to work out. They are literally VICIOUS to my other hens. I tried introducing them to the rest of my flock today and they did nothing but attack my other girls. The white leghorn kept starting fights (which i expected), but then she went after one of my original RIRs and clamped onto her feathers and kept trying claw her. The new RIR went after my sexlink, Berta, and grabbed her her comb and got on top of her and started digging at her back tearing out her feathers (I've never heard a chicken scream, but I'm pretty sure that's what she was doing). Then when she let go of her comb, she relentlessly chased Berta, and ripped out big mouthfuls of feathers.
I don't have a normal door to my run yet, so by the time I unscrewed some wire and got in there, they did some damage to my 2 girls. Berta had a bloody comb (I put on some neosporin on it for tonight) and both girls were in total shock and just huddled together in the corner of the run the rest of the day.

Does anybody know anyone who just wants 2 chickens? They get along fine with each other, and lay 4 or more eggs a week each. Or maybe someone who wants them for meat (although I don't know their history prior to me getting them)? I don't have the heart to kill them myself, so I'd rather just find them a new home.

Thanks everyone! I'm also still trying to find a good home for my ducks if anyone is interested!
Does anybody know anyone who just wants 2 chickens? They get along fine with each other, and lay 4 or more eggs a week each. Or maybe someone who wants them for meat (although I don't know their history prior to me getting them)? I don't have the heart to kill them myself, so I'd rather just find them a new home.

Thanks everyone! I'm also still trying to find a good home for my ducks if anyone is interested!
If we took them, they'd be for meat. I can talk to my husband tonight and see what we can do. He had wrist surgery, so I'm not sure if he can deal with killing/cleaning them, but we'll see. Maybe if you don't have a home for them by Saturday, PM me and I'll see if I know of anyone.

Also I'll ask about your ducks - a neighbor out where we are has ducks and might be interested, we just aren't ready for water fowl yet. :)
Hey guys!!

I have a friend at work who is looking for two or three pullets only. Hes already gotten a coop built and is just waiting patiently for some ladies.

PS sorry Ive been gone so long! Ive been so busy with rescue that ive just been letting my girls do their own thing back there. We lost Mr Pants last weeks and that was pretty heart breaking, other than that we had great luck this summer and didnt lose more than one or two girls
eep! sorry! i see some new names here! I am Aubrey, I've been doing this thang for a few years. Havent been on much recently because, well heck, i dont know why.

JakesMama, did you happen to keep those hens separate for a little while before putting them in with your birds? A lot of times they will need to be in a separate are where everyone can see eachother for a couple of days to prevent fighting. If you throw em all in together there wil bee some immediate battles as they try to work out their place in the flock. Ive never had an immediate intro go well. That said I have 35 birds of all different breeds and sizes and HAD four roos (now have three) and everyone has come into the flock at different times and everyone gets along perfectly well. The first week is always the hardest but they really need to get to know eachother in a way that they wont hurt one another or feel the need to prove their dominance
eep! sorry! i see some new names here! I am Aubrey, I've been doing this thang for a few years. Havent been on much recently because, well heck, i dont know why.

JakesMama, did you happen to keep those hens separate for a little while before putting them in with your birds? A lot of times they will need to be in a separate are where everyone can see eachother for a couple of days to prevent fighting. If you throw em all in together there wil bee some immediate battles as they try to work out their place in the flock. Ive never had an immediate intro go well. That said I have 35 birds of all different breeds and sizes and HAD four roos (now have three) and everyone has come into the flock at different times and everyone gets along perfectly well. The first week is always the hardest but they really need to get to know eachother in a way that they wont hurt one another or feel the need to prove their dominance
Hi Aubrey, I did have them separated. My mini coop/run I use for quarantine is about 2 feet away from the main run, so they have been able to see the other girls for quite some time. After I had them about 2 weeks, I got an australorp and introduced her into the mini coop at night and the RIR attacked her just as bad as she did my red sexlink, even though it was almost pitch black and they were roosting. Thankfully, I was able to just reach in and grab the new girl. I just took a chance and put the australorp in with the rest of my girls and everything worked out great.
I introduced the white leghorn first and the scuffles she had with the others are what I expected. Then I introduced the RIR and that's when things went downhill. It's like the RIR gave the white leghorn more confidence to be even more dominate than needed. I put them back into the mini coop, but I really would rather just find them a new home. I've heard of some fights resulting in torn or completely ripped off combs and seeing how the RIR went after Berta's comb, I don't want to take that chance.
I saw in your other post about a friend looking for some girls, he can have these ones if he wants. I tried to PM mmgerlinger on my phone but I'm not sure if it went through or not. My phone is a POS,
!! The RIR lays almost daily but I haven't gotten an egg from the leghorn in a few days. Also, the RIR has a tiny bit of molt still on her wings that seems to be taking forever to grow back, but it's obviously not affecting her laying. Let me know if your friend is interested, if not, then I'll try mmgerlinger again, but this time on my computer!

PS, 35 chickens is a dream of mine
I'm totally addicted to chickens now!
Hi all. We lost a chicken on Friday.
I'm not sure what happened, but she couldn't make it. :-(

Otherwise, the rest are basically ok. One seems to have black on his comb and wattles (if that's the right term).... but it kind of seems to be moving off of his comb, so hopefully it moves through quickly.... They've been getting some herbal supplements in their water, so I hope that helps as well. Going to make some more herbal tea stuff for them too I think since they've been drinking it, in the hopes it boosts their immune system more.

JakesMama - I PMed you. I didn't ever get the other one, so I'd figured you found something for them. No big deal either way - we aren't in a rush for them. :) I'm still trying to figure out this chicken thing. :)

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