
Nice to meet you neighbor! What age are your chickens? How long have you been raising chickens? Any advice/tips/tricks for the Sun Valley area? This is my first experience with raising chickens.

Hi neighbor! I'm in Sun Valley, too!!! I have 3 white leghorns, 2 rhode island reds, 3 easter eggers, 3 jersey giants, 1 australorp, 1 red sexlink, 1 barred rock, 1 buff orpington, 1 salmon faverolle, 1 blue marans and 1 silver laced wyandotte :)
I live in Fernley and have been lurking around BYC for about a month and then I found out they had a state section! I have 3 chicks that are almost 4 weeks old. I have what I originally thought was a white cochin, but she is turning out to be more of a Columbian Cochin, brown leghorn, and a white rock. Didn't really know what I was getting when I picked them out at Big R in Fallon, but they have been entertaining over the last few weeks. Hoping that I can keep them in their brooder that is a pack and play for another week, but they are getting big fast! Keeping my fingers crossed that the weather will get better so I can move them outside soon. So that is a little about me.


Greetings from Sun Valley, NV! I've been a member of BYC for a while, but have only been getting educated and FINALLY got my batch of chicks at the first of this month. I did have a handful or so back in 2012 but got told our lot wasn't large enough. Turns out, it was fine! Looking forward to the continued learning education on raising BYC. Got them for eggs.

2- New Hampshire
1- Cinnamon Queen
1- Red Sussex
1- Black Barr
1- Giant Black Cochin
1 - Rhode Island Red
1- Black Sexlink

All the best!

Welcome too!
Wowza that drive after waking up at 3am was killer. Had a great time at the swap meeting a few byc members, sharing part of my olandsk flock and bringing home two Colombian rocks. YAY!

Now I'm gonna just sit in my cozy chair till bubba is born!!!

3am, wow, way too early for me!

I have a brooder/warming light question. We're in Sparks and have 5 chickens in a converted playhouse coop. It's a plastic type little tykes house so is very drafty because the sides/roof simply slide together. It sits in their chicken run/area on sand.
Three of our girls are 9 weeks old and the other two 6 weeks old. They STILL have a 250 watt orange warming light on non-stop, hanging up at the very top of their coop. I was ready to take it out last week then the rain and wind hit so I'm unsure now. Then I recently read an article that my chickens will never become acclimated if I continue to keep them toasty warm so.....long story short, Can I remover their light now? Here's a couple pictures (before we added two yards of sand). See how open it is, very drafty however I've covered two of the windows with foam board to keep the high winds out. In the pic is one pulled down. Can't just do that anymore as they'll try to eat the styrofoam so I have to completely remove them during the day, silly girls!!! Thank you
P.S. Don't laugh at all the sand poop scoops I've attempted to make...still haven't found one I LOVE.

Pretty nice set up though. You do need to seal it all up some how. The chickens do not need much heat once their feathers come in. I would keep turning the heat down 5 degrees each day until you can actually turn it off completely, it would do them good. Using an orange light was a great idea, I used regular bulbs when I first started out and boy was that a bad idea. I found it keeps them wound up and they turn mean when they are older.
Yup! Lsmith is right. Black Copper Marans. Eggs that dark are hard to find! Sunnys girls are BIG and beautiful. Got our second one from that pullet today. Good girl! :)


Leghorn, Cuckoo Marans, and Black Copper Marans eggs from today. :)
Yup! Lsmith is right. Black Copper Marans. Eggs that dark are hard to find! Sunnys girls are BIG and beautiful. Got our second one from that pullet today. Good girl! :)


Leghorn, Cuckoo Marans, and Black Copper Marans eggs from today. :)

Funny...i was just browsing my pet chicken and it clicked! Thanks to all who replied about it. please do tell....where/whom shall I purchase mine from! ;)

I have 8 chicks now (all about 4 weeks all, a couple are younger than the others), I best get my couple more now versus too much of an age difference I'm thinking. Hubby is totally for it!
Yes she did Kim. She also produced some show quality ones too. I gave away a rooster 3 1/2 months ago and he placed second at a poultry show. Not bad for a bird that was only 6 months old and not fully developed yet.

I have 2 broodies sitting on eggs right now. The eggs are due to hatch Friday May 9th. I have Sunny's FBCM's in there too and if I have too many I will be selling them. I also have olive eggers in there, these are F1's so they should be real pretty having that dark egg with the blue egg. I'm hoping for a somewhat golden color. The last but not least are Monique's eggs. Monique is a Barred Cuckoo Marans and she mated with Alberto my FBCM so they will now make sexed chicks. I'll know once their feathers start coming in what are boys and what are girls without waiting for a crow or an egg or the Copper coloring the boys get early.
You're going to have some really nice chicks! My husband thinks we should keep our big Sunny roo for olive eggers. He's just started really "mingling" with the big it'll be a while before we can do a test hatch. You ladies, like Sunny, that have been working on projects for years are saints. Patience isn't my strongest virtue. Ahhhhhhh. :D

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