
it wass uch a nice day out yesterday. I hope you guys get the city chicken problems figured out. is there any way i can help out?
My babies are celebrating their 10 day birthday today! They are all getting feathers except my black/blue Cochins...
It was beautiful out! I hope this warm weather lasts
I spent most of Saturday and Sunday building a coop, which is still barely half done
Nailing in staples is a pain, and time consuming

Beautiful little chickies gitlost!
I just figured what the mystery bantam I could not resist getting from s & W over the weekend..... a mottled blue bantam cochin! I'm so excited. It is only a few days old and already so much sweeter than the others in the brooder. Amazing since there are a buff orph and gold sex link!!! I'll be happy weather it's a roo or hen!!!
ooohhh i want one......
now that i know what i'm looking at i can pick better at the feed store.. lol.. they think Banty IS the breed.. lol... but i know what to look for for silkies, and i'm not sure i could tell the difference between a d'uccle and a cochin, but if i want a blue or mottled, i don't think the d'uccles come in that and i should be safe.. lol....

can't wait till i can check out the brooder box and see if there's anything i want .... not that i need more chickens....

we need pics of the blue mottled baby
It was beautiful out! I hope this warm weather lasts
I spent most of Saturday and Sunday building a coop, which is still barely half done
Nailing in staples is a pain, and time consuming

Beautiful little chickies gitlost!

Takari can we see pics of the new coop? What are you gonna put in there when it's finished? We have so many of us with new babies. It's so exciting! My DH says I'm an Earth Mother I get so excited about babies. gitlost80 thanks for updating us on your babies, ke-ben, Flowers of Abba, evonne how are your babies doing? More pics? I need my fix!
HorseFeatherz NV when are those EEs gonna be here? Oh I miss having babies!

Oh, welcome to the Nevada thread Takari!
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Laceynoelle, I am the first person to give your Dad a referral. Tell him we said good luck in his business and to keep up the good work!
BTW, Honors orchestra? Awesome! When you get a local gig let us know so we can come see you perform.
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Sunny - I candled yesterday - should have let you know - all are too dark to see veins so I left them in. (I do even if I do not see veins just in case) So I have ordered new batteries for my surefire flashlight - they should be here before lockdown when I candle again. Lockdown is the 27th so should hatch on the 1st
Marion and Blue should start laying April-ish and I am thinking about putting them with Marilyn - they are full siblings. My other choices are their father Versace or my up and coming Splash Orp Roo "Gumpers". Choices, choices
You want Marilyn to hang at your house for awhile Sunny

I have eggs coming from Jubaby on March 1st
and will put more EE eggs in with them. Jubaby's are the Silkied Ameraucanas (EEs

Did get my first duck egg of the year this morning. Means soon the hunt will begin (they like to hide the eggs on me - brats).

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