

I'd love Marilyn to hang out at my coop for awhile but I'd need to borrow that extra 'bator you said you have. Better yet I'd rather buy the 'bator from you so that I can add a fan and an electric thermostat. Does it have an egg turner? I don't really mind turning them myself though. People worry too much about a little cool down. Hens leave the nest occasionally to eat and drink. As long as you leave the lid open for very short time periods they're fine!
OMG! That is one of the cutest pics I've ever seen! You should blow that pic up and frame it! Soooooooooo Cute!!!

Coop looks great! I was wondering about the progress you were making on it.
I have all my Coop progress on another thread in Coop design. It is almost done. It has been especially fun building it since the sun has finally came out!
Isn't it wonderful? I love this weather!
Well I'm off to Green's Feed to get more food for my little piggys, er... hens!
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I lost one of my gals this evening! I've checked with all the neighbors and no one has seen her. She has just disappeared.

I have a six foot fence around my whole yard and can't find any feathers on the ground. They all have 1 wing clipped and can't clear the 4 foot fence around their pen but I let them out to free range and 1 didn't come back. I don't know how she could have gotten over a 6' fence! We went to shut them up at dusk and when we counted them (as we do every night) she was gone "poof".
I'm bummed, she was one of my best layers and well behaved too. Why couldn't it have been one of the obnoxious ones?
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