
I'm sorry about you hens Sunnydawn. Thats so sad.
Thank you! That means a lot to me! I was soooo heart broken but I'm starting to come out of it now. My Best friend spent the day cheering me up and she was very sweet.

Are you performing at the Jazz festival that goes on every year? Many high schools and colleges perform there from all over Nevada, CA, etc and we go every year. Some friends of ours always come up because their kids perform too. It's a blast but they are notorious for not giving out any information to the participants! They never know what time they will be performing or where on campus or if it will be off campus! Whoever organizes it obviously needs a lot more help than they are getting!
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I am having a hatch on Monday. Would It make you feel a bit better to have a few fuzzy buts until your shipment in April???

They are mixes, but I know the parentage of each, so no mystery chicks....

Oh no, no no.
What a crappy day. I hate when that happens! I have one "killer" here, who I have to watch like a hawk - he has killed everything from deer on down. Once he is "gone" I will not have another, thankfully he is on his way out - he is a 10 year old mastiff, so just have another year or two.

Your poor DH, I am sure he feels awful!

Seems a bit impolite, but
for the bamboo hen - silly girl to cause all this commotion!

Do have chicks hatching the first of March
Oh no Sunny! What a horrible thing to happen D: And what a silly little hen for causing all this ruckus by hiding in the bamboo

We have a bird killer here as well. She's killed too many pigeons to count, but hopefully we'll be able to teach her to stay away from the chocks
That is so sweet Kandi! Thank you but HorseFeatherz was already planning to give me some EEs with her next hatch and I don't have the brooder done quite yet. Though come to think of it, DH was going to finish it this weekend so I would have it done by then... Though you are a bit of a drive. Thanks but I can wait until March. That is just so sweet of you to offer though! It really means a lot to me that all of you are reaching out to comfort me at this time!!! Thank you everybody!!!

Thanks Genny, I am really looking forward to more babies now. Can you spare 3 instead of 2? Yes DH feels terrible!!! I almost feel worse for him than I do myself! He is such an animal lover and to be responsible for this... He is feeling very down right now. He will feel much better when we get the new babies though.
No it's not insensitive, I'm very happy for the 10 pullets that escaped too (including Miss bamboo!). It's funny, but all of my best layers escaped. I guess because they tend to be skinnier and faster than the heavier breeds. I am going to miss my marans terribly.
They were the most well behaved of all my girls and the eggs! I am getting some BC marans though from a referral that GetLost80 gave me and I can order more cuckoo marans as well.
I'm feeling much more positive this morning and my customers will just have to understand that I'm a little shy on eggs right now.
Oh I had 4 eggs waiting for me this morning! I thought for sure after that kind of trauma that I wouldn't have any eggs at all! Such troopers my girls are.
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OK, I ordered 3 cuckoo marans just now and 2 welsummers for spring so with the other chicks coming that will put me back up to my limit for the size of coop I have. Thank you again everybody! I can't tell you how much it means to me that you are all being so sweet and supportive! You are the best!
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and i was just going to offer to send you some cuckoo marans hatching eggs.. lol.. but you said you don't have a bator right now anyway....

so great that you're getting your numbers back up....

did i post a pic of my new little guys for you yet???

names are up in the air right now....
hubby said 7 & 3 were stupid names...
kids want the girl to be cuddles and the boy to be cluck...
another friend suggested poptart and oatmeal...
i wnt to call the boy chucky for some reason... but we have a guy named chuck at our church.. lol..
but they're ssooo cute...
I am about to have a tantrum...

I have made 5 different types of aprons for those hens the rooster is in love with. And they do not stay still and behave like the cute hens in the pictures I keep seeing on all the other websites.........

No, on the elastic.

No on the one tie over the wings.

No on the triangle shape to cover the butts....

I am about to take this one persons advice and just duct tape their buts until the feathers grow out and the tape falls off!!!

Im going to try one more thing this afternoon and thats it!
Oh evonne, they are soooo cute!!! Their feather colors are amazing! Now I have to get a 'bator! I want some eggs from whoever these two came from!

I was wondering how that was going to work! Good luck and let us know if you get something to work. That might be good to keep in mind for the future. I kind of like the duct tape idea, although i think painter's tape would come off easier when it's time to remove.
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