
sorry, i've been AWOL too..... darn A.D.D...

i will be at the county fair pretty much the entire weekend... but i'll probly be at the fire station's ice concession booth most of it...
last year it was against the south wall next to some HUGE vendor tent with booths.... between the mutton bustin arena, and the big boys rodeo arena... i'm assuming it will be in the same place again... i'll be the short redhead with the ring in the middle of her nose... if i'm not there, ask them if i'm around somewhere... it'd be great to meet more people... oohh my middle son is mutton busting at 3pm on sunday, so i'll be there to watch that...

i'm not going to back read... too much to catch up on, but i'll tell you what's been happening at my place....
all the large birds went into vegas to stay with Shanya, i don't know her BYC name.. lol.. i was attempting to cut down on feed costs since we got 2 horses, but the turkey just eats more UGH...

my Rouens have started laying.. at least one of them... i have 5 eggs that will be going into the bator in the next few days to check fertility.. then i'll be selling them either her or on ebay...

i bought a sweet little goat from ke-ben's wife that's due to have baby/ies some time in april...excited about that.....
Hi Evonne! Great to see you again! Good luck with all the new babies you're expecting (well not you but you know what I mean).

Have fun at the fair. Not sure what it is but hope your son does well on his mutton busting.
I'm planning to go but it may be on Friday, cuz Saturday is busy. I'll figure it out and let ya'll know. I'll be sure to look up both evonne and ke_ben, but I'd love to meet some other BYCers too.

I stepped on a nail yesterday while in the new broody coop. I had moved that little board like 5 times and never even noticed that rusty thing. So...yes, I had to go get a tetnis shot today so my arm is sore and so is my poor punctured foot. I've soaked it and it is looking redness at all, and it's starting to feel a little better.

I decided I had enough chickens and wasn't going to hatch this year...then a few of my hens went broody! I had to do it. I got eggs from ke_ben and chickfrmlv (cuz I have no roos here) and so far have 5 cute little chickies. Remember the gamebird hen, Casino, that was given to me with her chicks last summer? That is one crazy broody momma hen, but she sure is good at what she does. I will get some pics uploaded of Casino with her brood.

I had one broody break when I gave her real eggs but luckily I had a back up broody ready to take them. Remember how I was searching for a companion to my little Uno...the only chick to hatch of all the eggs I set in July? Well, I found a pullet that was 2wks older, from a local lady, to be her friend. That was Sunshine. Then 2wks later I got 4 chicks from the feedstore. Amazingly, Sunshine accepted everyone and was kinda like a little momma hen to them. Actually, I swear I often saw a look on her face like, "what the heck? what do you want from me?" Well, it was kizmet or something cuz now she's setting 10 eggs (thanks for the eggs ke_ben) and they are due to hatch around the 4th of April. I'm so excited and I know she'll do great. Here's some pics to show how good she was then.

Sunshine with chicks 2 wks and 4wks younger than she...

She's only a month old here...

*edited to add that I won a GFM by being runner up on guessing when BYC would hit 80,000 members. So excited I can post LOTS of pictures now!
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Awww! What a sweet pic!!!
You should submit that last pic to the BYC calendar. It really tells a story! Congrats on the GFM! The extra pic storage is great isn't it?

I don't have any good pics to post tonight, but I will put up some pictures tomorrow, i promise!

I got 5 Easter Eggers. Wanted a few more, decided against it... for now anyway

I also found someone to take my rotten white leghorn, who has been beating up at all the young ones from last year. hopefully their backs will heal, and they wont be beating up on this years batch because they were beaton up on. my first batch doesnt beat up on anyone, but my leghorns and barred rock are kinda mean, especially that white leghorn. meanest chicken ive ever seen...

so, if my chicken math is correct... 10 - 1 + 5 = 14!

Unless you subtract my broody, who is currently in solitary ------------>

There are quite a few though, I hope they don't slow down your computer

I got 5 Easter Egger chicks yesterday. When I was picking them out I tried to get
chicks that all looked different-some light ones, some dark ones, some with
bigger beards, etc., as an attempt to be able to tell them all apart when they are adults.
I guess I will find out eventually if my plan worked.
NOTE: Some pics are with my regular camera, some are with my iPod, so the quality varies.

Here is the first picture i took of them! still in the box from the store

I took these ones last night




And I took these ones just about an hour ago








And here are a couple other pictures i took of the adults


Oh, and one more thing...

Tomorrow is my chicken's birthdays! I always say their birthdays are on the 1st of April,
because it's close enough to the days they were brought home, and its an easy day
to remember.

•Whats left of my original flock (Fred , and my 3 Henny Pennys) and my 2nd flock, which i bought a few months later than the first (Jebediah & Winger) will all be 2 years old this year!
•My third flock (Indigo, and the 2 RIRs) are all going to be 1 years old! I guess that means they are officially *hens* now, not *pullets* huh? they grow up so fast...
Cute pics! What a huge brooder for those little chickies! Don't let mine see that, they'll be jealous!

Happy birthday chickies!
One of my new Ameraucana/EEs has developed a crossbeak.
I posted about it over on the Diseases section. From what I was told, it is hereditary and common among that breed. They also said that due to her age it most likely won't get worse, and as long as she can eat and drink she should be fine.
So far she doesn't seem to be having any issues with getting enough to eat, and is happy and healthy so...

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