New addition on our 11 month old unfinshed coop

Looks good can't wait to see finished product.

And when you post here you have to include pics of the birds.

Ok . Let me start off with what our year old flock is laying. I'll get some pics of them tomorrow,

and then some of our 14 new girls.........

I'm trying to get some good color laying hens. Then Ill see what roosters I should look at to up production of really colorful eggs. As you may have guess I'm hooked.
Thanks Everybody. Samantha sometime wanders why every things has to be complicated. I just remind her That she wanted them so close to the house when we sit on 11 acres. Lol. really I just like to build anything..

So today I cut out the gable wall and moved it. I also half framed the walls. I need to add some vents front and back. This side wont get windows but I have other ideas to blend the look

and another view..... I guess in this pic the back walls not up yet

And Here is the broader that Samantha came up with. She made a pvc frame , propped up in the back. The Frame has nylon stretched across with zip ties. it is working real nice and means I don't have to worry 24/7 about our tomcat.

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Here are a few more or Squiggy and Laverne. when the were younger and a lot lighter.

And here is something they like to do during free range time.

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So Today I kind of worked a little different than usual. I framed out only half the roof. I was thinking it might better show what I'm doing and how. I did get osb on half the new addition. I should get the other half done tomorrow and maybe some more wall framing.

Anyways here's the progress..........

and from the backside
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Todays progress . Still lots to go.

front side.......

and back side.......

I have decide to go with a lower vent on this side of the coop It will be mainly for our hot humid days in August that we get each year. No worries I will have some under eves vents, the existing windows and vent, 2 new fake window vents in this section, gable wall vents still to add, and plans for a cupola. Lots of vents:) Does that sound like enough?


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