New addition to the family!

Captim, I really think it´s important to get some niacin into him....look at the thread "sick goose" and a whole load of others, you´ll find that niacin deficiency can cause terrible problems and can kill them, so it really would be a very good thing to get some into him certainly won´t hurt him, as long as you don´t give him a huge amount at once, of course!!!!!
To answer your question about hay, yes it is possible to get moldy hay, especially alfalfa hay. Have you tried any of the toxin flushes?
I also wanted to ask you: have you cracked any of the eggs to see if they are fertile? The ones you collected previously or one of the new ones she's nesting right now?
What did the vet say to look for?
and about cleaning, She's going to be upset but you really need to candle those eggs, if she is sitting on duds then she is using up alot of energy for nothing and brooding is very hard on them, they don't eat much and they don't get much exercise.

But I agree with the others He needs niacin in what ever form you can get into him, Brewers yeast or plain niacin. and at his age 500 megs if you go for tablet to 1 gallon of water.

And a flush of Activated charcoal, safe to use and it will take care of any issues he may have with eating moldy hay.
We got the niacin and are putting it in the water. The vet had us looking his legs and feet, feeling for warm spots ect. As for the eggs we have not checked them but will read up on how to do that or what to look for.

We have a call into the vet today to see what's next. We can try the flush as well but were hoping to see if he could find a cause to our problem. I figure he is stressed enough with doing thinks to him that won't help.

If cleaning the pen hurts the eggs I would rather loose the eggs and save the geese than try to save them. We are working on getting an incubator for the eggs so we can work on helping them rather than loosing everything.
We got the niacin and are putting it in the water. The vet had us looking his legs and feet, feeling for warm spots ect. As for the eggs we have not checked them but will read up on how to do that or what to look for.

We have a call into the vet today to see what's next. We can try the flush as well but were hoping to see if he could find a cause to our problem. I figure he is stressed enough with doing thinks to him that won't help.

If cleaning the pen hurts the eggs I would rather loose the eggs and save the geese than try to save them. We are working on getting an incubator for the eggs so we can work on helping them rather than loosing everything.
Putting some Activated charcoal into his water wouldn't stress him out as long as he is drinking. But yes having a vet is a good idea the best actually, please let us know what he says. Candling eggs is fairly easy all you need is a dark room and a really good flash light I like the LED because they have a strong light.
When you crack the eggs that you collected before she started sitting, examine the yolk. In a fertile egg, there will be a white bullseye type thing and a non-fertile egg will just have a white dot.
There are threads on BYC with pictures.
Good thinking on the vet. I hope they pull through for you.
Well no change with the gander, we spoke with the vet again here is he's thoughts;

He is thinking that because he has been in a smaller pen with no water to swim in ( low exercise) and eating corn and goose food that he has gained weight causing his legs to be sore and weak. They need to swim in the water to keep thier leg strength up. He told us to not give him the corn and continue with the goose feed. We are giving him greens every day now with niacin in the water bowl.

I guess that might be the case because the place we got him from only had a blow up Kidd pool for them. They would not have had a chance to get his strength up before winter.

I hope we can keep him going until this weather clears and we can get them on the pond. We have about a foot of snow on the ground with 6" of ice in the pond!

For our eggs we are doing that task this weekend!
Well no change with the gander, we spoke with the vet again here is he's thoughts;

He is thinking that because he has been in a smaller pen with no water to swim in ( low exercise) and eating corn and goose food that he has gained weight causing his legs to be sore and weak. They need to swim in the water to keep thier leg strength up. He told us to not give him the corn and continue with the goose feed. We are giving him greens every day now with niacin in the water bowl.

I guess that might be the case because the place we got him from only had a blow up Kidd pool for them. They would not have had a chance to get his strength up before winter.

I hope we can keep him going until this weather clears and we can get them on the pond. We have about a foot of snow on the ground with 6" of ice in the pond!

For our eggs we are doing that task this weekend!
I only have a large plastic kiddy pool for my flock most of us aren't blessed with a pond. but since it's winter they haven't had any water to bathe in or exercise in. But he maybe hitting on a couple things like exercise being confined they haven't been walking much and lack of greens, We have absolutely nothing green here it's all dead but I buy them chopped collard, romaine lettuce kale cabbage etc during winter, and just started about 2 months ago growing fodder for them. What your doing now with providing greens and giving him niacin in his water hopefully will get him back up to good health. Look forward to hearing about those eggs, candling is easy to do and since she has been sitting for a while now you should see good development if they are fertile.

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