New addition to the family!

I was able to check 5 eggs today, all duds:(
Take them away, keep her from being able to go back to the nest, because even with an empty nest she is very likely to still try to incubate her feet! She´ll have a rest, then probably try again, hopefully the gander will be fine by then. By the way, how is the gander? And I really don´t feel his problem is lack of exercise....really don´t. Kiddy pools are fine. I´m quite sure it´s lack of niacin, just experience speaking here. Make sure you´re giving him the highest dose you can to get him back ok. So, how´s he doing?
Yes I disposed of the duds and plan to check the rest of them today.

If they are all duds I will clean the entire pen and rebed everything.

The gander stood up yesterday but only for a bit (better than the last week) maybe progress??
Yes I disposed of the duds and plan to check the rest of them today.

If they are all duds I will clean the entire pen and rebed everything.

The gander stood up yesterday but only for a bit (better than the last week) maybe progress??
I'm thinking at least 500 megs in the niacin maybe even higher, thinking this because last year someone had this problem with their goose and they started out with lower dose with out improvement and went to 500 megs and saw significant improvement. Progress is great even if slow. So hopefully it's going towards full walking around very soon.!!
All the others were duds as well:(

We are starting with 500, do you know can we get liquid?
Sorry to hear that but now she can get back to normal. They'll try again there is plenty of time since breeding season has just begun. There is Liquid B3 probably even at CVS or Walmart, Walgreens call around. also there was some talk awhile back about using all the B's in like a super B complex might be worth checking into to.

Here is some info on Super B complex in case you want to try it.

  • Haunted55
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To help with the healing of the muscles, ligaments, whatever...get some Super B Complex vitamins and add to their water after the course. You can do a half dose now but no more than that . Dosing is 1/2 Super B Complex pill to 1 gal. of water. After done with the meds. give a good probiotic and a whole Super B in 1 gal. of water. This will help with any injury healing itself so the damage won't be permanent. The Super B Complex has a high dose of the B vitamins needed to regenerate tissue as well as vitamin C which also aids in this. If using ACV normally in their water, stop that while giving the Baytril and after with the probiotic and B. A week should do the trick with these and you can go back to using the ACV if you normally do afterwards.

A Haunter run a'fowl
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There seems to be a lot of people having leg issues with either goslings or adult geese. I am wondering if this all is occurring due to not having access to waterfowl feed??? Waterfowl feed has the niacin and ingredience (sp?)needed to keep leg problems down in goslings and geese...
[COLOR=0000FF]There seems to be a lot of people having leg issues with either goslings or adult geese. I am wondering if this all is occurring due to not having access to waterfowl feed??? Waterfowl feed has the niacin and ingredience  (sp?)needed to keep leg problems down in goslings and geese...[/COLOR]
I was thinking this too. Why don't feed stores carry water fowl food?!?

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