New Alaskan breeders coop - finally!!! (pics)

Thank you ! It's always nice to have a pro around to ask questions! Woo hoo!
And thank you... carpentry is a hobby of mine... no formal training, so I make it up as I go, but hubby insisted on doing the framing right.
I do only have one 2x4 on the side of the door... we forgot to go back and put another one in there.
But I think I can manage, with the instruction you gave. I probably won't be able to finish it until Spring, though... too freakin' cold to be out there dinking with it now.

Thanks Highmountainchick!
Hi Heather... well, funny you should ask. The coop has done very well for us the last 3 years. Several modifications on the watering system - we realized we just have to haul water in the winter. I finally installed nipple waterers, run from a gravity feed system. 5 gallon bucket, up high, fed by a hose connected to a toilet tank float-valve that we put inside the bucket. Works great for 6 months out of the year. Otherwise, I didn't change a thing. Well, other than we called it quits with the business this year and I'm going back to being a hobby breeder.
Got in the way of family. So I downsized, and now everyone fits in the layer coop, so I just moved them ALL over to the layer coop, and have one big community chicken house to take care of instead of multiple pens. It's nice.
Your coop is awesome! And you used the same kind of wood slats that we are. That is what drew me to your posts, I recognized the wood. We don't call it Flitch here I guess, the saw mill guy just called them Slats. Ha, easy enough. Anyway I love the look. We haven't even started ours yet but are collecting the slats on hubbys days off. We have the brooder ready and are getting our first ever chicks Feb 13. I'm pretty nervous but excited too. We won't have anything as elaborate as yours but we are in this together and investigating and studying to make it work as great as possible for us. We will only have 27 chicks. I say ONLY, but that is a lot to me but probably not to you. :)

I am excited for this new adventure. I'm sorry to hear you closed the biz down but I imagine being with your birds as a hobby would be quite nice and probably much less stressful. Blessings to you in that cold part of the country. I'm on the coast of NC and it is 32 right now. Plenty cold for me.

This is my DREAM coop! I absolutely LOVE this!!! Income tax is coming soon and I insist on building something bigger and easier to take care of than the coops I have which we just kinda "threw" together

I'd probably have to build something half that size....wish I could afford something that big though! If you don't mind, I'd love to "steal" some of your pics and start planning my material list, cost, sketch up a plan etc. I just raise Silkies so I could have 2 levels of "homes" for them
I can't wait! You did an awesome job!!! I heard Alaska was the #1 state for alien sitings
Thank you all... :) You are welcome to use the photos and ideas... just incorporated them from many of the other beautiful coops on this site. :) Other than re-working the watering system for the long cold winters, I wouldn't change a thing (other than make it bigger!!). :)
Your coop is absolutely gorgeous. Where did you buy the flitch siding? Can you give me an idea how much it ran? I think that would be perfect for us to use on our coop. Thanks!
The Kenai Peninsula is where I have always lived and will always live....Just started my first flock (I live in between Soldotna and Sterling) of 6! So excited! :)


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