New Brahma Group: Blue Partridge x Partridge, Plus Dark

I love the B themed names
That Bash looks like a character, especially in that last pic!
Thanks. They're all characters in this group, LOL. Last night, over the baby monitor, I heard one chirping loudly, like it was stuck somewhere. It sounded so plaintive, that I had to go back out, unlock the barn and see if it was okay. I found Bonnie on top of the big next box by herself, calling frantically while the rest were on the long roost bar across the room. She got up there and I think she couldn't figure how to get down or was scared to jump. So, had to rescue the little (well, not so little) gal.
By the way @brahmapapa , I don't think any of these have vulture hocks. All the feathers there are very, very soft so far. Thought you'd like to know that since you had mentioned watching one of them for vulture hocks; I think that was the huge partridge cockerel I've named Bruno.
By the way @brahmapapa , I don't think any of these have vulture hocks. All the feathers there are very, very soft so far. Thought you'd like to know that since you had mentioned watching one of them for vulture hocks; I think that was the huge partridge cockerel I've named Bruno.
Hi Cynthia, sorry that I haven't been able to take the time to have a real dialog, but things are rough for me rt. now...I am very glad that there are no vulture hocks. I cull those birds the min I see one, fortunately I have not had any at all in several generations. The birds are looking good. as I told you I have a trio of Dark Brahmas that are very nice birds and once they started laying I an getting an egg a day per bird non stop. I realize its late in the season but i am setting up my R-com incubator and i will start another batch of Darks. it will mean some special care for the chicks that will be born at beginning of fall but will be a distraction which should be good. I hate to be eating eggs from such nice birds but after i put up this batch, thats what i will be doing.
Hi Cynthia, sorry that I haven't been able to take the time to have a real dialog, but things are rough for me rt. now...I am very glad that there are no vulture hocks. I cull those birds the min I see one, fortunately I have not had any at all in several generations. The birds are looking good. as I told you I have a trio of Dark Brahmas that are very nice birds and once they started laying I an getting an egg a day per bird non stop. I realize its late in the season but i am setting up my R-com incubator and i will start another batch of Darks. it will mean some special care for the chicks that will be born at beginning of fall but will be a distraction which should be good. I hate to be eating eggs from such nice birds but after i put up this batch, thats what i will be doing.

No apologies necessary, Tom. I'm happy anytime you can give input but I understand life issues so please, take care of yourself.

I know what you mean about having to eat eggs rather than hatch such nice birds, though. Been there myself on a few occasions. Seems timing is not always on my side, either, sometimes. I wish I had room for more of your Brahmas right now, but alas, not in the cards with the set up I have at this point in time, growing out the Brahmas plus the young Barred Rock group, and all my elderly hens sticking around as long as they have. Maybe some day, though. I'm completely in love with this bunch so thank you again!
Isn't it funny how right from the beginning they all have to do what everyone else is doing?

Of course, with chicks, it's "monkey see, monkey do", always.

I forgot the pics I took yesterday, sheesh. Today, I wish I'd had my camera out. I was sitting in a chair on the back side of the barn watching the youngsters and a doe and her little spotted fawn came running from the bottom lot below the pasture, turned and ran parallel to the back barn fence. They all alarmed, then the Brahmas followed her along the fence until she leaped across the power line easement and ran into the woods again.

From yesterday.

Can someone comment on why these two partridge pullets are so different? Is there a preferred look?

Betsy has so much blue down her back from the hackles.


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