New Call Duck Colors... what do you think?

Way To Go Kate.
Just went out in the beautiful sunshine and got the children out of the hutch. WHEN the snow thaws THIS WEEK (fingers all crossed) they will have a new outside pen like Fort Knox.

I am trying to send an email to the original owner, he had every color call know to man, though he had no chocolates there, he did have khaki, and butterscotch, and any of these combined with his blue fawn could have gotten lilac as well. (yes done that research also)

Drake (we have 2 exactly the same) Is what we are calling Lilac color. (hen looks similar, no pic available right now)

Hen in question...

Second hen in question... oops had wrong pic
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Yowza! I WANT!!!!!

That last picture of the little hen...adorable face.
My opinion, a little refinement and you'll have a gold mine(well, lavendar or lilac mine).
Thanks for sharing the pictures.
I don't give a rat's backside what anyone else says...I'll dang sure buy some hatching eggs from you when you start selling!
Go, Kate!
Those are really cool. I'm still betting they're even more gorgeous in person! That hen has the sweetest little face. Feel free to post more pics
Too bad they didn't post their real name so we would know what judge it is that is actively discouraging people in trying new things in the fancy. I don't have any children but I sure wouldn't want this person judging any child of mine. Not all adults are born with animals in their backyard either so they all have to start somewhere. I've seen a horse show judge rip children apart in the ring and guess what? Few if any clubs anymore want to hire him to judge, and his opinion doesn't count for much when he is sitting home and isn't getting paid for it. I'd sure like to know exactly what this person thinks these ducks look like if not Calls. Apparently they have never seen pictures of the older type of Calls before they were refined down to what they are now at shows.

Around here Calls of any stripe or color are in high demand, and I'd like to have a few of this new color myself. The new color will never go anywhere unless people get to see it! And the only way for them to see it is to show it! People told me when I got my chocolate trio this year that chocolates were just a fad, now that they are in the standard no one wants them, yadda yadda yadda...guess which variety I have out of ten that has the longest waiting list for my hatch this year?
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I believe this was her main question. Kate did not post here asking, "Hey yall whatcha think of great new Call ducks?"

She simply asked a question about color. Lavender or Lilac, which is it and what is the difference? I think pretty much anyone who knows anything about poultry knows that introducing a new, unrecognized color into the breed takes a lot of time, work and dedication. Perfection is never achieved but is strived for.

Even the sugar-coated opinions were not the answers she was looking for, but rather a comment that was meant to encourage her enthusiasm for this project and promote her interest in owning and breeding poultry.

As far as NYREDS being a judge, knock your socks off. My only concern as far as that goes is that I whole-heartedly hope that he/she is NOT a youth judge. I don't know how old Kate is, but comments like that can destroy a persons confidence in themselves. The number one rule in judging any animal to an exhibitors face is that you "condem than compliment". For example: "Your horses wither is not as prominant as it should be, although he has an ideal croup and tail set."

Sorry but I don't see the point in "Calls" that don't resemble Calls at all.

This comment coming from a "judge" is a little scary to me, as any person who is said to be knowledgable about poultry should know that any specific line on birds did not start out as a perfect example of the breed. It takes a lot of time and work.
There is an established standard for what constitutes a Call Duck & the birds pictured here aren't even close.

In my opinion (lol) what is placing well at todays shows bares little resemblence to what the original standard used to be. We americans tend to take something good and warp it until it is the "extreme". It cracks me up when folks say that something is "just a mutt". Then it becomes a "hybrid' and then finally develops into its own breed. Don't they realize EVERYTHING started out as a mutt?
It's rediculous for people to think that new colors just miraculously appear in perfect show quality ducks. WTH?​

Well said! I don't know anything about this color, but I am sure interested in reading more info and seeing more results of the breeding program!​
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I don't recall her asking for a critique, merely had a color question.
Had she said, " Please critique the type and conformation of my birds", different story...
I didn"t say he was a "meanie" at all, I just don"t see the need to discourage new varieties.
If you're such a purist that you think there is no room for new varieties, maybe Call ducks aren"t for you.

I think if you check the title line for this thread you'll find the question...."what do you think". I said what I thought & I stand by it. A curious, to me, notion on this board is that the only appropriate comment to a "what do you think" question is "they're beautiful".
I can't help but note how many people in this & other threads here begin their comments by saying "I don't know anything about_____ but I think they're beautiful." Of what use is feedback from someone who, by their own admission, knows nothing about the subject at hand?​

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