New ducklings - wont eat and they're afraid of me


5 Years
Jun 8, 2014
Hi all!

Yesterday (around 24 hours ago now), I got two sweet little ducklings. Looks like mullards.
They're small and adorable and very fluffy :)

My problem is this: I can't get them to eat? I don't know if they're eating or not. I see them pooping all over the place, so I'm guessing they're eating at least a little bit? I can't see a difference in the food I supply them with; looks like it isn't getting eaten... but they still poop all the time?

Also, I can't get them to love me. They probably think I'm going to eat them :(

I've given them water to swim in and I place food all over the place (those pill looking food, not sure what it's called).
I've tried putting bread in their swimming "pool" but they seem uninterested.

I've also tried sitting next to them and put them between my knees so they can't run away.. If I move a little, they get scared and poop. I've also tried sitting close to them; still, they fear me.

How do I get them to eat?
How do I get them to love me - or at least not fear me?
First off no bread.
Secondly they should be eating duck crumb or unmedicated chick feed for the first 4 weeks - it's best given wet as a gruel and should be accompanied by a bowl of water deep enough to dunk their full beak.
You can get them to eat it by encouraging them to taste it - tap your finger into it and call them over softly.
At that age they will need heat as well.
They won't be able to manage pellet food for a while due to size but regardless it doesn't contain the right balance of nutrients for a young duckling

My mallard used to sit on my hand (more usually my shoulder) and use me for heat - it had imprinted on me though.
My suggestion for getting them used to you is be slow and take your time - get the right food and get them to sit on your hand while they eat.
Before long they'll associate you with warmth and food..

However get them some form of safe heat source and the correct feed and clean water.
Do some searches on duckling care and the bedt of luck to you
the more you handle and talk to them the more used to you they will get. it's easier to get a hatchling to imprint than an older duckling, but it is possible. It takes time and consistency,
Some ducklings are more skittery than others, and mine went through a phase starting at three weeks in which they were terrified of me. The change was overnight. One day, they were cuddling up to me, the next they were shrieking in terror. It is hormonal. Anyway, some advice I got from BYC (for which I will always be grateful)

Approach low, not from above. Predators come in from above.
Approach making gentle noises before they can see you, predators approach silently.
Once they have had some chick grit (just a tiny bit in their food) for a few days, offer a very few thawed frozen peas as a treat. Roll them slowly toward the ducklings, and sit there singing or talking to them quietly.
Sit nearby, at a distance that does not upset them. Bring a book to read.
Be patient. Be consistent.

Mine are now very friendly ducks, and a couple let me pet them. None like to be picked up.

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