Announcement New Feature - Attachments PLUS!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Some of you may have already noticed a new feature :)
  1. Go to your, or another member's profile, for example:
  2. Look for the new "Images" tab and click on it (see below)
  3. Explore :)
The tab will respect permissions, so you will only see stuff you already have access to / is public :)

From here you can click on the image and/or the post where the image was used!

Thank you to all our BYC Sponsors and PFMs for their support that allows us to add new features like this!

Here's an example:

@Nifty-Chicken, we're curious, who has the most images and who has the most attachments?
I'm just now digging through my list of images.
There are a million from back when we used to have to reupload pictures to the articles for cover photos. A million.

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