New Free BYC iPhone & iPad App

How cool, loading it now on my phone.
Now I can be on BYC all day.
Here's my feedback..what to add to the app

Push notifications when I get a new message or post on a thread.

Landscape view

Able to see signatures in mobile site and app and edit them

Edit profile pic

Be able to view other members photo albums

When I am on a thread where a picture is uploaded, after clicking on the picture it wants to take me back to the first picture on the thread. Even if there is 1000 pictures uploaded on a older thread, it always takes me back to the first one.

When I am on the mobile site, I find myself switching to the desktop view because there are so many things missing from the mobile site. The app is using the mobile site in the exact same way, instead of using safari or chrome to view the site we are using the app. I know this is a beta, so I hope there will be a update soon. :)
I have downloaded the app yesterday. The internet was off early this morning and the app would not work. However, it was working fine the other day, and the internet was on.

Is this internet related or just coincidence?
BYC is a website, so I think we can safely assume we need the internet to access it. :)

I downloaded it and it is great! Yes it's missing some desktop version features but that's understandable. All in all it's pretty handy!
BYC is a website, so I think we can safely assume we need the internet to access it.

I downloaded it and it is great! Yes it's missing some desktop version features but that's understandable. All in all it's pretty handy!
No you don't it is an app and will run off your phone plan. Data it is not working for me either. It is froze up hope a mod or Nifty see's the issues some of us are having

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