New Hampshire!

I am new to New Hampshire and want to start with a small flock of chickens this spring. This will be my first experience with chickens. Could someone explain who is subject to NPIP testing. Is it for all backyard flocks, or is it intended for breeders only? Also, when I purchase chicks, should I only consider those from NPIP certified farms?
Thanks for your help. I may be asking a lot of questions.

If you are going to participate in Poultry shows.... You need to be NPIP
If your flock is 70 plus... and you are selling hatching eggs, chicks, or adults.... You need NPIP
If you are selling hatching eggs, chicks, or adults out of state.... you need to be NPIP
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I am new to New Hampshire and want to start with a small flock of chickens this spring. This will be my first experience with chickens. Could someone explain who is subject to NPIP testing. Is it for all backyard flocks, or is it intended for breeders only? Also, when I purchase chicks, should I only consider those from NPIP certified farms?
Thanks for your help. I may be asking a lot of questions.

NPIP isn't required to own chickens or sell chickens/chicks/eggs locally. It is a completely optional testing that a lot of people choose to do to make sure their flock doesn't have or carry certain diseases. Buying from an npip source is always a very good option as it tells you that they try or at least are interested in keeping their chickens healthy but it doesn't always mean your going to get a healthy bird, but it may help your odds and also ease your mind.

Also WELCOME to NH and also to BYC!!!
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If you are going to participate in Poultry shows.... You need to be NPIP
If you are flock is 70 plus... and you are selling hatching eggs, chicks, or adults.... You need NPIP
If you are selling hatching eggs, chicks, or adults out of state.... you need to be NPIP

Yes I forgot the poultry shows also npip.

I never heard or read anywhere that if you have 70plus chickens and are selling egg chicks and chickens that you need to be npip.
Really old post but wanted to say 'hi' so -HI! Nice to see you New Hampshire and especially Pike and Monroe, I'm from North Haverhill!
Yes I forgot the poultry shows also npip.

I never heard or read anywhere that if you have 70plus chickens and are selling egg chicks and chickens that you need to be npip.

That is what Dave Sweeny told me when he came to my house for my first inspection..... If you have less than 70 breeding birds... and you dont sell outside of the state... then you are not required.
Unless you want to sell at the NH chicken swaps. :)

NPIP tested but you don't have to send in the testing for a number. If you pass the state AG dept will send you a card stating that the tested chickens were Avian Influenza and Pullorum free at the time of the test. I did the swaps at the beginning of last year but will not do them again. Yup, caught MG, culled all and started over. Retested in June with new breeders and they all tested AI, Pullorum and MG free.
My confusion lies in that some are able to have these two tests done, send the paperwork in and get their NPIP number, no problem. That's the way it should work.

I *should* just be able to test like (it seems) everyone else is and apply to get my number without the extra inspections others are not having.
Can you post a side view and a closer picture of feet and legs? I think the legs look like a nice slate color and not green-ish, but a closer shot would be helpful.

This does look like a Wheaten or Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. I have several girls with that very nice full beard.

Did it hatch from a true blue egg?

Yes ....... she hatched out of a light sky blue colored egg.


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