New Hampshire!

I have poop boards in one of my coops it does help keep the coop clean as a whole but the poop boards need to get changed often.

As for bugs I have been battling mites this year it is no fun, some of my poor chickens look so mangy. Ive been working on it.
My poop boards have a 2 inch lip around it and I fill the inside with playsand. All the poop lands in the sand under the roost on the "poop shelf" and is really quick to clean up in the morning with a kitty litter scoop. It's been six months now and I haven't had to replace any sand yet.

As for lice and mites ... I read in a different thread here that wood ash works wonders. Just dust the birds with the wood ash. If infested then also rub some NuStock on their legs and base of feathers.
My poop boards have a 2 inch lip around it and I fill the inside with playsand. All the poop lands in the sand under the roost on the "poop shelf" and is really quick to clean up in the morning with a kitty litter scoop. It's been six months now and I haven't had to replace any sand yet.

As for lice and mites ... I read in a different thread here that wood ash works wonders. Just dust the birds with the wood ash. If infested then also rub some NuStock on their legs and base of feathers.
Ok so I need to burn the wood pile?? collect the ashes and dust my chickens with it??
LOL Yes! I have a friend who has a wood stove and saves the ashes for me. I also throw wood ashes onto the girls favorite dust spots in the yard instead of DE. I have not had a problem with lice or mites yet. It works wonders on an infestation on the bird and I use it as a preventative also.
Alrighty then... I can do that...:) today I started bug patrol. There I was... bright sunny but cool day... in the coop with my big trash can, hammer, and dog soap spray bottle. Workin my big butt off.... ripping those shingles off the walls and spraying bugs. Them suckers were crawling me eww.. about the time I hit the mother load... my son comes running out of the house screaming the power went out..... umm umm... that means no water for a shower :( I was freaking out .... UNTIL... I realized I had filled the swimming pools for the chickens up this morning... awww.. fresh water... no poop in it either. YEAH... soo I started dumping jugs full of water over my head ran for the dog room to change my clothes.... gotta think fast on your feet sometimes.. lol
Oh boy that sounds like a crazy filled day
Thank god for thinking quick huh? I would have been freaking out too.
Alrighty then... I can do that...:) today I started bug patrol. There I was... bright sunny but cool day... in the coop with my big trash can, hammer, and dog soap spray bottle. Workin my big butt off.... ripping those shingles off the walls and spraying bugs. Them suckers were crawling me eww.. about the time I hit the mother load... my son comes running out of the house screaming the power went out..... umm umm... that means no water for a shower :( I was freaking out .... UNTIL... I realized I had filled the swimming pools for the chickens up this morning... awww.. fresh water... no poop in it either. YEAH... soo I started dumping jugs full of water over my head ran for the dog room to change my clothes.... gotta think fast on your feet sometimes.. lol
i think you could have sold tickets to that type of event

where is Renie?
oh she is out back flopping around in the chickens kiddie pool
while all the birds watched wondering what in the world was going on
i think you could have sold tickets to that type of event

where is Renie?
oh she is out back flopping around in the chickens kiddie pool
while all the birds watched wondering what in the world was going on

LOL ~snort~ you know that thought did cross my mind... lol.... The power did come back on ... soo went back out and pulled all the shaving from the coop and dumped them over the bank out back.... figured that was enough for today... had to move on to clean the brooders and feed the dogs... always something to do around here lol
LOL ~snort~ you know that thought did cross my mind... lol.... The power did come back on ... soo went back out and pulled all the shaving from the coop and dumped them over the bank out back.... figured that was enough for today... had to move on to clean the brooders and feed the dogs... always something to do around here lol
i got a chicken tractor together today for the chocolate boy Renie UP/Picture022_zpsd2f8dfda.jpg~original

here he is checking out his new digs, i added an almost ready to lay black english orpington pullet after this pick
he went straight to work, good to see that he takes his work so seriously

i will add the other 2 i have for him once she starts to lay

maybe we can get some offspring from him this fall???

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