New Hampshire!

What does it entail? Like, what do they do when they get here?

I have mostly Easter eggers but I just got some barred rock and I have some silver laced wyandottes as well. I also want to breed my ducks, which are pekin and Swedish.

Now, that's just $25 total right? I hope it isn't by bird lol! Doing the math, it will be about $60 for mileage to Newport and back.

Thank you for the response!
What does it entail? Like, what do they do when they get here?

I have mostly Easter eggers but I just got some barred rock and I have some silver laced wyandottes as well. I also want to breed my ducks, which are pekin and Swedish.

Now, that's just $25 total right? I hope it isn't by bird lol! Doing the math, it will be about $60 for mileage to Newport and back.

Thank you for the response!
you have you catch each bird

you bring the bird over to where the lady has her little table set up (probably outside)

she lifts the birds wing & draws a small amount of blood

she then adds a leg band & you take that bird back to the coop

you come out with the next one till she has tested & banded all of them

they don't do water fowl so don't worry about the ducks

all of the birds will have to be 6 months old or older

any younger & she doesn't need to test them

it's a single $25 fee (for all of the birds) plus mileage both ways

before leaving she will ask if she can have a look at your coops/brooders

we are going to clean everyone out a couple days before she shows

our deep litter is getting deep

the poop under the roost was frozen all winter but we are now attacking that part of the cleanout asap

& loading up the compost bin in good shape

For now and until the grant is renewed which may not be until July this is what it will require according to Cindy at the Dept of Agri.

"And yes, the 2013 grant ended March 31st. We have applied for the 2014 grant, but it’s hard to say when that will be finalized and approved, may not be until July when the State’s fiscal year starts again. Until then the fee is 25.00 for the first 50 birds, .50/bird over 50, and for 2014 the round-trip mileage is .56/mile from Concord."
Hi all,

Thought I'd post this here, in case anyone can help out!

The Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) is a raptor rehabilitation center in Quechee, VT. They take in hawks, eagles, owls, falcons, etc. that have been injured (usually through interactions with humans, like car accidents or gunshot wounds) and take care of them until they are able to return to the wild. The few that are too badly injured to be released again become permanent residents at VINS. As you can imagine, feeding the raptors can be expensive. VINS relies partly on donations of live animals like chickens and rabbits from community farmers and breeders in order to feed the raptors. I often take my extra roosters to VINS as donations for the raptors. The donated animals die a humane death (they are euthanized in a CO2 chamber - they do NOT get fed to the raptors while still alive) and you get a form that declares the animals a charitable donation, if you would like to deduct it on your taxes.

Well, Sara at VINS emailed me today to ask if I had any chickens available because they are desperately low on food for the raptors right now. I will be taking her whatever extra I have, but I also offered to post here on BYC about their need, in case anyone else would like to help. Personally, I find it very helpful sometimes to be able to take my extra birds to VINS. I know that many of you would never dream of eating your chickens, but I also know many of you are breeders like me, and you probably are all too familiar with having too many extra roosters around, or old hens that should be retired. Yes, I can always process extra roosters myself, and I do when I can. But sometimes it's just easier to take them to VINS, and I know the raptors always need to eat! If you have any extra birds (or rabbits - I know many of you breed rabbits as well!) that you could share with VINS, Sara would love to hear from you right away.

Here are their only requirements:
No sick birds, no internal/external parasites
No medicated birds (including medicated feed like chick starter)

If you can help, or if you have any questions, please email Sara at [email protected] and she can arrange a time for you to drop of donations! Thanks!
Hi all,

Thought I'd post this here, in case anyone can help out!

The Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) is a raptor rehabilitation center in Quechee, VT. They take in hawks, eagles, owls, falcons, etc. that have been injured (usually through interactions with humans, like car accidents or gunshot wounds) and take care of them until they are able to return to the wild. The few that are too badly injured to be released again become permanent residents at VINS. As you can imagine, feeding the raptors can be expensive. VINS relies partly on donations of live animals like chickens and rabbits from community farmers and breeders in order to feed the raptors. I often take my extra roosters to VINS as donations for the raptors. The donated animals die a humane death (they are euthanized in a CO2 chamber - they do NOT get fed to the raptors while still alive) and you get a form that declares the animals a charitable donation, if you would like to deduct it on your taxes.

Well, Sara at VINS emailed me today to ask if I had any chickens available because they are desperately low on food for the raptors right now. I will be taking her whatever extra I have, but I also offered to post here on BYC about their need, in case anyone else would like to help. Personally, I find it very helpful sometimes to be able to take my extra birds to VINS. I know that many of you would never dream of eating your chickens, but I also know many of you are breeders like me, and you probably are all too familiar with having too many extra roosters around, or old hens that should be retired. Yes, I can always process extra roosters myself, and I do when I can. But sometimes it's just easier to take them to VINS, and I know the raptors always need to eat! If you have any extra birds (or rabbits - I know many of you breed rabbits as well!) that you could share with VINS, Sara would love to hear from you right away.

Here are their only requirements:
No sick birds, no internal/external parasites
No medicated birds (including medicated feed like chick starter)

If you can help, or if you have any questions, please email Sara at [email protected] and she can arrange a time for you to drop of donations! Thanks!

I am so glad you posted this! I have recently considered donating to a facility like this. I was considering this for all the male chicks I have since I hatch many sexlink and auto sexing type chickens. Im going to book mark this. Do the chicken have to be a certain age or size, do they accept chicks also?
Wow, thanks DraigAthar, what a GREAT idea. I saved the email, I think I did it right at least.

By the way, picked up 6 Dominique's from vnsseed this spring. They are AWESOME! 4 weeks now, about. Have to check their notebook for exact.

Loving these birds. They feathered out very fast and they are 3 and 3. So have 3 breeding pairs. I spoke with his wife, as we met at a local store, my idea.

Lovely woman
and she was very informative on their lines. They have two, so I have another line I can get also.

Thanks for sending me their way!

I have two 4' by 4' brooder boxes in my living room right now
and have been watching chicken tv! I got some GSBR's and GSNH's also this spring. ( two weeks old now ) in the other brooder. Will be a while before they can go outside.

Our snow is pretty much gone, finally, so will be able to move the hatchery one year olds, out to the layer coop soon. Then wash and paint the grow-out coop for the lot I am brooding now. Still a bit cold up here at night, so have some time, but the Dom's really need to get outside soon. They are stunning and full of spit and vinegar. What personalities too.

This is everyones new home. Got it done last summer. Two 9' by 12 ' breeding coops, with dividers, and one 18' by 24' layer coop. Plus we have the grow out coop, about 25 feet off my porch, 8' by 8' with 200 square foot run. Want the babies and youngsters near by.

Still some tweaking to do and some runs off the "bigger" set up.

That's the grow out coop, with some of the one year old hatchery birds free ranging. That pile of snow is smaller bit STILL there
Still have much to do. Nothing is ever fully done, is it?
Left that run side undone, so could add on, if needed....we need
The GSNH's were a surprise from Jwhip with my BR order! 11 of them. So eight more feet onto the grow-out coop shortly. Good thing we screwed everything together!
I am so glad you posted this! I have recently considered donating to a facility like this. I was considering this for all the male chicks I have since I hatch many sexlink and auto sexing type chickens. Im going to book mark this. Do the chicken have to be a certain age or size, do they accept chicks also?

They accept ANY age or size. In fact, they REALLY appreciate day-old chicks, because the yolk sac is still intact and this is incredibly nutritious for the raptors. o if you have lots of extra sex-linked male day old chicks, they would absolutely love to hear from you. Because Dominiques can be sexed at hatch (and that's all I raise now), I often take them my extra day old males. And they will take other ages of chicks and adults as well.
They accept ANY age or size. In fact, they REALLY appreciate day-old chicks, because the yolk sac is still intact and this is incredibly nutritious for the raptors. o if you have lots of extra sex-linked male day old chicks, they would absolutely love to hear from you. Because Dominiques can be sexed at hatch (and that's all I raise now), I often take them my extra day old males. And they will take other ages of chicks and adults as well.
if you were near by i have a 40lb turkey that needs to go away (i'm 20 miles from Maine)

he is BB so he can't breed my female turkey

i have to find a tom that well get the "job done"

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