New Jersey

Llandry- love your daughter with the barred rock. My kids love our two also. They have made many a trip down the slide and even down the swirly slide once, lol. I can't imagine what people think when they see my kids lovingly manhandle our chickens.
Zac, I think you mean oyster shell. Grit helps the birds digest hard seeds and other foods - it has nothing to do with egg production. Let's not confuse the newbies.

Even though my run is dirt, I throw out a handful of grit here and there, because the different sizes of the stones is good to have in the crop. I keep oyster shell in a bowl at all times.
I am going to the store sometime this week to look at lamps. I just got worms for him today. So there is a Herp club? I wasn't sure if it was official or not. I don't know if I'm going to join though. I'm already in rabbit and now poultry, so I need to see how my busy schoolwork mixes with this. I wanted an iguana or monitor, but I don't have room and I wasn't allowed to keep a "dinosaur" in the house.
yea mrs mcgrath runs it and its the first monday of the month at ag building
Njchix- my kids have brought them down the slide too! My daughter almost always has one in her arms when she's in the yard. She is obsessed with them. She has a serious case of chicken on the brain. Our christmas tree must have 20 ornaments on it that are either chickens or birds that she insists are chickens. Today was show n tell and she brought an assortment of feathers she found in their run.

And if it's not chicken, it's dragons or dinosaurs. The only reason she would ever want a doll is so she can takes its clothes off and put them on one of her dinosaurs. She's still a girly girl.
Njchix- my kids have brought them down the slide too! My daughter almost always has one in her arms when she's in the yard. She is obsessed with them. She has a serious case of chicken on the brain. Our christmas tree must have 20 ornaments on it that are either chickens or birds that she insists are chickens. Today was show n tell and she brought an assortment of feathers she found in their run.
And if it's not chicken, it's dragons or dinosaurs. The only reason she would ever want a doll is so she can takes its clothes off and put them on one of her dinosaurs. She's still a girly girl.
You just described my childhood!
Really! She's a riot. She has a larger than life personality and her twin i can barely hear because he's so quiet. Her favorite outfit is a dress with jeans underneath and sneakers. She always has skinned knees. Beats up her brothers. Wrangles a chicken like there's no tomorrow. And ballet because she gets to wear a too-too. I call her my beastly princess. She is sooooo loud too but i love it. She is dying to dress the chickens up in something. Most little girls crawl around on the ground a pretend to be kitties. Not mine. She's a T-rex. Short tiny arms and all.
Really! She's a riot. She has a larger than life personality and her twin i can barely hear because he's so quiet. Her favorite outfit is a dress with jeans underneath and sneakers. She always has skinned knees. Beats up her brothers. Wrangles a chicken like there's no tomorrow. And ballet because she gets to wear a too-too. I call her my beastly princess. She is sooooo loud too but i love it. She is dying to dress the chickens up in something. Most little girls crawl around on the ground a pretend to be kitties. Not mine. She's a T-rex. Short tiny arms and all.
I wish we were closer, our daughters would be perfect together. Mine is 6 and is always dressed up like a fairy, chicken under 1 arm (usually her rooster), covered in dirt, and playing baseball with the boys.
Llandry- love your daughter with the barred rock. My kids love our two also. They have made many a trip down the slide and even down the swirly slide once, lol. I can't imagine what people think when they see my kids lovingly manhandle our chickens.

Let's hope they think, "Hey, that looks like fun - maybe we should get chicken, too!"

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