New Mexico

Anyone in NM with fertile blue or green hatching eggs you're interested in selling? I have a hen who seems determined to be broody & was thinking about giving her some eggs. I would like to add some color to my egg basket, but don't want to spend too much if she quits or if the eggs don't make it through the mail in good shape. I in ABQ, and am willing to drive up to an hour, or pay for shipping.

If I can't find anything, I see if I can get a couple of EE chicks to slip under after she has sat for a couple of weeks.
Contact DAK, she has very nice blue pure Ameraucana eggs, but I don't know if she has any for sale right now- I'm betting her incuabator is STUFFED right now! LOL
I know mine is...

I have EE hatching eggs available, they are by a pure Ameraucana rooster out of various hens- let me know if you are interested- I don't have any grown babies from this cross yet, so I can't tell you the quality of the color of the eggs, but the roosters are from very nice blue egg stock (from DAK). I am going to Albuquerque on Thursday, and would be willing to meet you somewhere.
This site is so great! I am going to get some from Blaundee on Thursday. I had thought about trying to get eggs or chicks from DAK even before this... maybe once I get another coop built
OH my! I really want to hatch out some true ameraucanas, are you in ABQ? How much do you sell your eggs for? I want to build an incubator and I am running into a timeframe where I will be gone for 4 days in May... so I would hate to trust a housesitter to monitor an incubator. I might be interested at a later date though.... those are beautiful eggs!
I'm not in Abq. I'm in Aztec. PM me for egg prices. You will find it is worth the investment to buy a decent incubator. My friend in CA has 31/36 eggs of mine about to hatch in an R-com. The last batch that went to someone with a homemade incubator had 20/24 start to develop and only one hatch.

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