New Mexico

Sorry about the posts.. Still trying to understand this new format, and how to post pictures.. Can't seem to make it work the way everyone keeps telling me to do.. Maybe need someone to teach me cause I'm no computer guru.. By the way, this is my Rocky Roo last year...

Very handsome boy!
Hey folks on the NM thread: I am very upset this evening because one of my favorite girls, Sandy, is limping really badly- she really cannot walk on her right foot. She kind of balances on the whole lower leg but it looks painful. This just started today- yesterday she was fine! I have her in a box with shavings in my bedroom. She is eating and drinking but just cannot get around. I moved her toes and her ankle (if you call it that on a chicken). She didn't react all that much but it obviously hurts to walk.

I have tried to find a vet who would treat chickens in Las Cruces before w/ no luck whatsoever. I like this girl so much I would drive across the state to help her. Please let me know if you know of a vet who treats poultry anywhere in this state- or El Paso, or AZ.

Hey folks on the NM thread: I am very upset this evening because one of my favorite girls, Sandy, is limping really badly- she really cannot walk on her right foot. She kind of balances on the whole lower leg but it looks painful. This just started today- yesterday she was fine! I have her in a box with shavings in my bedroom. She is eating and drinking but just cannot get around. I moved her toes and her ankle (if you call it that on a chicken). She didn't react all that much but it obviously hurts to walk.

I have tried to find a vet who would treat chickens in Las Cruces before w/ no luck whatsoever. I like this girl so much I would drive across the state to help her. Please let me know if you know of a vet who treats poultry anywhere in this state- or El Paso, or AZ.

Have you checked the bottom of her foot for a swollen red area. Might be bumblefoot.
Thanks for responses, folks! I found out Dr. Calista does sometimes treat birds, although I believe generally parrots and the like. I went there and she and a young vet she just hired had some training with farm animals- we put Sandy on the floor and she is beginning to splay her legs and drag one wing. Young vet thought Marek's. They are going to keep her today and research it. It appears to be a neurological disease, even to me. Probably will have to put her down.

I am super upset about this and am wondering re: implications for the rest of the flock.

BTW if any of you in southern NM have a bird who needs to be put down or treated for trauma as opposed to a disease (broken legs or wings, punctures, etc) Dr. Calista told me she will never turn any animal away and will attempt to treat. That is good to know.

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