New Opportunities for Gamefowl

We would definitely need a diversified set of trials though. There are a lot of good ideas on here already. The next step would be to standardize the competition equipment, that way we could start training in the manners we feel would best equip our birds. Then we elect at least two judges for each class, schedule a meet, we can have an entry fee that will go to paying some expenses or to a prize. The biggest problems might be getting a large enough group in one area, since we are all spread out, and finding suitable judges. Of course, standardizing the competition isn't going to be too easy either
I suspect trials will evolve as limitations or opportunities are recognized. There will likely a huge learning curve for many as many events will require a level of training of birds. Many activities I can think of may have birds wanting to participate for a reward but will need some trial an error to work out what to do.
So you would say have two separate competitions, one for OGs and one for bankiva? That's fine and probably best but I still think it would be nice to at least try an all inclusive match where everything is based on weight. Just for the experience.
I agree, all games should be matched based on weight and not seperated by breed... at least at first.

Perhaps later, once all the advantages/disadvantages have been sorted out, and as popularity grows, then breed seperation may be in the best interest. But I have a feeling if these type of competitions do get popular, someone will produce a specific breed to do well in all the mentioned competitions. Just as different breeds are produced for different styles of illegal competition.

I think these competitions will require a lot more individual training for each bird. From the tug-o-war thing I learned that harness and pulling training is needed. Same with all the competitions mentioned above. Just like any sport, we (humans) will hone the training and breeding down to a science.

I think Varidge is on the right path for the different competitions. Still think that rooster-tug-o-war should be two roosters against eachother.. though it may cause animal rights issues, it is way more entertaining and would be the "main attraction" in my opinion.

Anyone planning on building an enclosed run for the race competition? or something for the rocking Perch competition.

I still need to train my birds for the tug-o-war..
My preference is for at least some birds to be allowed to compete in multiple events not unlike a decathlon. That would enable preservation of all around athleticism and possibly smarts attributed to gamefowl. Otherwise a team like arrangement similar to gymnastics would have individuals perform where scores of a given team would be combined. Such would challenge the cockers as well forcing them to be on top of their game in preparing birds for show.
My preference is for at least some birds to be allowed to compete in multiple events not unlike a decathlon. That would enable preservation of all around athleticism and possibly smarts attributed to gamefowl. Otherwise a team like arrangement similar to gymnastics would have individuals perform where scores of a given team would be combined. Such would challenge the cockers as well forcing them to be on top of their game in preparing birds for show.
yeah I think each bird should have to compete in all events, to avoid specialization. I dont see a problem where an owner could have multiple birds, but like I said each one would have to compete in all events.
What if a scoring system was developed in which handicaps were factored in for weight and classification. All birds had to compete in all events, then you could have a top Bankiva, and a top Oriental, and a best in show, based on score. A top breeder award could also come from this, say if one breeder could put together a string that would dominate in as many of the individual competitions, that would be something to strive for.

The idea would be to involve more people in what IMO are some of the most wonderful birds called chicken, and to get as many people raising as many different strains possible. That way people would have a legal reason to possess, transport, breed, condition and enjoy their birds for what they are, true athletes. The threat as I see it, is the day coming that people say that you can't keep games because there is no legal reason to have them. This would spell extinction for birds we know and love. As bad as this threat sounds, it is a reality we may have to consider.

Great care will have to be taken to ensure that a public (scarred by a constant barrage from enemies of the gamefowl), can go along with the event. Boring as it may be, I'm afraid a mirror might be a stretch, let alone two birds in a pulling competition. Might even have to just hitch birds to a sled and get them to pull for a treat. Sometimes you have to give up on some things, and just enjoy what little you have, or you might loose that too. Certainly, for any degree of success, it would have to at least be legal in the largest amount of states possible.

I guess we need a fancy name and some members, a set of rules, a standardized model for a track, and things like that. Dedication to preserving gamefowl and gamefowl breeders would have to be a central mission statement for me.
Many events as I invasion them could simply involve bird chasing after something per its own choice. Flying events could even be voluntary not unlike those I posted some time ago. To help provide realistic impression birds are not being stressed, make so birds can simply choose not to engage in an event if it desires and do so without threat of harm. Many activities like chases and sometimes flying are what appear to be fun to birds so training for competition should not be too difficult.
A rooster dummy would probably qualify as "training or conditioning for illegal purposes". A hawk dummy, maybe not. If a cock ran a race to get to another cock, it would probably be a no-no, if he ran to get to a hen, it would probably be OK. Mirrors I don't know about. I don't know about the whole flying thing, I've never had much dealing with coaxing chickens to fly. This is not something you could have an event for both Orientals and Bankivoids. One thought that I keep coming back to on the flying is that if it requires too much in the way of training, it's going to make it kind of exclusive. It needs to be something that would draw people to gamefowl by keeping the events more in line with just letting their natural instincts come through.

Question, how long should a running track be? I'm thinking a cage at one end with a hen that the cock is familiar with. This at the end of a double snow fence track, maybe two feet apart. For Bankivas it might have to be enclosed on the top. I'm thinking like 30 feet.
I would not rule out any event yet based on exclusive nature associated with training as that would be similar to the "well healed" reality of old or who has the better coach. Birds used for such are going to live longer than those competing in the pit so additional training per bird is likely going to be more practical. Age may be even more relevant than distinguishing cock from stag. Other aspects of natural instincts I agree with. I think one could train a cock to chase a dummy hen and some will likely fly as part of the effort. If bird lacks the focus to continue even when spectators in close proximity then to my eyes that would be the same a being a runner in the pit or getting the willies when carrying the ball down field. My Bankivoids would perform without everhead enclosure and likely many others would have similar.

As for length, that will likely increase in length greatly over time. I have had cocks chase down a strange hen over distances exceeding several hundred feet in a straight line so long as line of sight not obstructed. Training will likely enable increasing distance.
IDK, I really like the dummy idea and it has nothing to do with illegal but it's a natural instinct. Flying seems useless to me if we're talking OG, they aren't supposed to be good fliers, and aren't. AG and other bankiva should. Hence one more reason for separate competitions. I'm wondering about the competitions now, I think they should reflect the important qualities in GAMEFOWL rather than just wild chickens or whatever. Chasing hens and cockroaches, other than for endurance perhaps, what does it display of the gamefowl?

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