New to turkeys...


10 Years
Jun 4, 2009
I just bought my first turkeys last week. I have a young male and a hen. Both were hatched last spring and are not a year old yet. I am wanting to buy some more hens and a full grown tom. My question is if I put a tom in the pen with my smaller male will the tom fight him and possibly kill him?
Will he just fight till he gets the point to the younger one that he's the dominant one, or will he continue until the young one is dead?
I have introduced a new tom to a pen with an older or more dominant tom. I have never had a tom kill another one, however he (the dominant one) will make sure the new tom knows who is boss. I don't like doing it, but I've had to do it a few times. Although I have had good luck, I don't think anyone could gaurantee your tom will not kill the other tom. Hope this helps
My question is if I put a tom in the pen with my smaller male will the tom fight him and possibly kill him?


we had a late season clutch and one of the young jakes (who is the size of a mature hen) accidentally got put in with the older turks... and they very nearly killed him. he has been in 'intensive care' (in coop in the chicken house and a heat lamp) for almost a week. pretty much they scalped that little one and we really didnt think he was going to make it. but he is rallying.

i think the key is to make sure they can get to know each other.... and have plenty of room to get away. its one thing if they are chasing each other all over the yard (expected and how they work it out) but if they are cooped together then the younger one may not have a chance.

we also had one mature hen get beaten up THRU the fence! they grabbed her!


once they establish their order things will calm down.

just wondering why you'd get a mature tom when your boy is about there???? our June hatched males are almost fully mature.

good luck!
ps i love turkeys! you'll really enjoy them​

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