New York mini chickenstock 2016

Oh my goodness!  2 hours away, not too bad.  This looks like an awful lot of fun, but I'm afraid I didn't go through every single page associated with this....looks like a lot of people show up?
So far if my count is right we are in the range of 20 groups/families showing up. Its nothing fancy and very laid back. This is a family event so no shenanigans allowed. There will be lots of kids , lots of chicks, and lots of eggs. Your not required to bring eggs/chicks but I am asking everyone to bring a dish or snack of some sort for the group. Back on page 1 there are links to the list of things people are bringing.
So far if my count is right we are in the range of 20 groups/families showing up. Its nothing fancy and very laid back. This is a family event so no shenanigans allowed. There will be lots of kids , lots of chicks, and lots of eggs. Your not required to bring eggs/chicks but I am asking everyone to bring a dish or snack of some sort for the group. Back on page 1 there are links to the list of things people are bringing.
Well, if I can get my work schedule to accomidate, I'd love to attend. I will examine the lists that are mentioned and be sure to RSVP and all. I'm closer to Albany so I don't often see things like this until September.

Tab has a breeding group of them.

I just loaded up the incubator with 14 mix SLW/GLW for Easter HAL. I also have Spitz project eggs from PhoredaBurds, Isbars from KYTinpusher, Ameraucanas from KE5HDE. And 6 green GLWxBO/EE under a broody. I know they won't all hatch, but won't be able to keep all of them.
Making travel plans and hook up with friends plans - so just confirming it is May 28th Mem Day Weekend ?

:) Breeder Pens all set up and chickies all mad at me ....
Yes May 28th. My coop is on its last week of togetherness then split they will be. Not that it much matters, they are all going to be mutts anyhow. I don't have a matching roo for any of my girls.
I'm about 2 1/2 hours away but this sounds like a blast. I'd bring my husband and 2 little girls. They both have autism by the way. Ages 7 & 8. My 8 year old just adores birds of all kinds. We had a neighbor's dog nearly wipe out my whole flock this past summer which was traumatic for her. Made modifications to our coop and run area. I'm kind of going overboard to make up for the mass murder that occurred. I have 24 chicks in the brooder (some from The Poultry Hatchery in Clifton Springs, NY and some from our local TSC. I currently have 36 eggs in the incubator and am also ordering special breeds from the Chicken Scratch Poultry Hatchery.

We won't have anything to sell, but will be very happy to bring food and buy of course lol.

I have a ton of social anxiety, but I really want to meet people who love the same things I do like gardening and chickens.

I'd also be interested in buying turkey's, guineas, and ducks.

It be awesome to know everyone's pricing in the spreadsheet to accompany what they are bringing so I can budget for this. :)

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