New York mini chickenstock 2016

I'm really feeling like joining you guys. Maybe I'll muster up the gumption to get up really early and mosey on up there. I wouldn't have anything to sell or trade, though.
bring a dish to pass and enjoy the day. Many that are coming are super flock owners and just being here to learn makes it worth it.
I can't get my stuff to post in the form so here it is.

Eggs & chicks.
Silver spitzhauben over black astrolorp
Silver spitzhauben over white leghorn
Golden spitzhauben over production red
Golden spitzhauben over black astrolorp

I can start about and vegetables you would like to pick up that day.

I will have ample bedding for all to use that day if your ok using fresh pine. We cut and chip our own. Its not dried or anything.

I have a grill to be used for hotdogs burgers or sausage. I also have a nice open field for kids to run romp and play until they drop.
Hi Chicken girl - a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. What do you mean when you say x over y?

And can you tell me about making your own pine shavings? We have a lot of pine trees that we are going to slowly be taking down. If I can put them to use possibly for shavings I'm very interested :)

Thank you!
Hi Chicken girl - a couple of questions for you if you don't mind.  What do you mean when you say x over y?  

And can you tell me about making your own pine shavings?  We have a lot of pine trees that we are going to slowly be taking down.  If I can put them to use possibly for shavings I'm very interested :)  

Thank you!

X= rooster
Y= hen
That's why x over y
I could have made it a tad less tacky I guess but that's just me.

We have a wood chipper that we send the branches and needles through. I don't dry it in any way I just cut down the branches and shred into the coop or run . Whichever needs the bedding. I have to add to both areas because the run gets very muddy when it rains and the coop because the smell of the fresh pine is much better and much stronger than the chicken poo. I do put horse pine pellet bedding under the fresh to absorb moisture and help break things down. It all turns into a nice non stinky homemade dirt that is then added to the run then the garden as needed.
X= rooster
Y= hen
That's why x over y
I could have made it a tad less tacky I guess but that's just me.

We have a wood chipper that we send the branches and needles through. I don't dry it in any way I just cut down the branches and shred into the coop or run . Whichever needs the bedding. I have to add to both areas because the run gets very muddy when it rains and the coop because the smell of the fresh pine is much better and much stronger than the chicken poo. I do put horse pine pellet bedding under the fresh to absorb moisture and help break things down. It all turns into a nice non stinky homemade dirt that is then added to the run then the garden as needed.
That's what I assumed about the x/y - but had never seen it written that way before. lol Thanks!

Isn't the pine sticky at all with it not being dried? With my allergies I probably couldn't handle that now that I think of it, but I'll have to keep it in mind. Thanks!
That's what I assumed about the x/y - but had never seen it written that way before. lol Thanks!

Isn't the pine sticky at all with it not being dried? With my allergies I probably couldn't handle that now that I think of it, but I'll have to keep it in mind. Thanks!

If you are interested in chicken genetics there is a really informative and simple blog on even I can understand it and I really struggle with understanding genetics -
That's what I assumed about the x/y - but had never seen it written that way before. lol  Thanks!

Isn't the pine sticky at all with it not being dried?  With my allergies I probably couldn't handle that now that I think of it, but I'll have to keep it in mind.  Thanks!
no its not sticky at all. As for the alergen part, I'm allergic to literally EVERYTHING , including pine, and I'm not sure why but the fresh bothers me less than the shredded dried stuff. Plus the fresh absorbs the smell better than the dried. It still has all its microbes and things. I guess.
hey speaking of fresh shavings, I was reading this blog about chronic lyme and one of the authors said that she got it from a bed of fresh shavings and that ticks are especially drawn to fresh shavings.
hey speaking of fresh shavings, I was reading this blog about chronic lyme and one of the authors said that she got it from a bed of fresh shavings and that ticks are especially drawn to fresh shavings.
I dare tick one to enter my coop riding on the shavings. My flock thinks they are a great snack.
Where are you located? I am very interested in attending with my two year old son. I doubt I'd gave anything to bring other than the pot luck, but I AM interested in getting a few more needs in my coop.
By the by, X should be hen and Y should be rooster. Lol. My mother is a cytogeneticist...

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