New York mini chickenstock 2016

Ok it's final! ! On the first I'm going and buying a Bator! !! Jon can be mad if he wants. Its so much less expensive to just replace my birds with more of my birds. Plus it's soooo much more fun. I can keep away from them little buggers. Don't worry about me if I go missing for a couple days at a time, I'm just stuck at the brooder teaching chicks that humans are good. This batch likes to crawl on my hands and walk around.
So many choices....which one will you choose?
I have no clue. Any suggestions? Jon wants the one from TSC and buy the turner that goes with it.
I have had the best of luck with the brinsea's. My first was a hovabator and it was difficult to regulate the temperature and humidity especially in the winter old drafty farmhouse. But, they are a good start for the $$$.
The brinsea's are foolproof. I have the little one that fits 7 & then went straight to the 360 cabinet. Now, I never worry for room- LOL
You are about 2 hours from us so we might be able to make it!
It's always fun to chill with other chicken peeps!
Oh yeah!!! Forgot about that. I was so excited about fluffy butts I went fluffy minded.
Make one! Sally_Sunshine has an article about coolerbators. I made a mini-fridge incubator that will be running constantly for the next several months. It does the incubating and my other homemade incubator does the hatching. I can stagger hatches that way and end up with new fluffy butts every week.

Older picture: It holds up to 96 eggs depending on size.

Another older picture. Hatches up to 24 at a time depending on laying down or standing up.
Make one! Sally_Sunshine has an article about coolerbators. I made a mini-fridge incubator that will be running constantly for the next several months. It does the incubating and my other homemade incubator does the hatching. I can stagger hatches that way and end up with new fluffy butts every week.

Older picture: It holds up to 96 eggs depending on size.

Another older picture. Hatches up to 24 at a time depending on laying down or standing up.
If you enjoy building, this is the way to go. I had a lot of fun, found it quite challenging, and am pleased with the results so far (still tweaking). If you think you'll find it frustrating, stick with buying the best possible incubator you can afford right now. Brinsea have great reviews, but the TSC one can work too. My first hatch was in a Little Giant with no fan and no turner. It was glitchy but I still hatched 60%. It is my SIL's incubator and she had an even better hatch this year and her friend borrowed it and got 100% hatch rate.

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