New York mini chickenstock 2016

Girlie is unique. I think she has been in her own world apart from the flock that she lost the instinct to stick with chickens. When the littles move in she might like hanging out with them. I have four of Mojo's winter love offspring. The combination of his spangle and my legbars barring has turned into a mottled EE cockerel with a tiny comb.
she enjoys the teens as the often take her to the feed. Chickens are amazingly smart and oddly compassionate to one another.
Totally off topic of farming.

My daughters softball team ended the season with 8 wins 1 loss and 1 tie. Now we are at cheerleader sign up for her and touch football for my youngest.

Woohoo!! All that looks good on college applications if they keep good grades and stick to sports.
I'm no one to judge. Current population here is somewhere around 65-70, but still the bator & broodies are incubating another 40 eggs and just received 6 more pea eggs. Eyeing another auction as well. Think it's an illness or an addiction or something. What's wrong w me?

Of the post-chickenstock eggs set, 21 of 24 are developing. Only 1 of the 3 not developing was an egg that sat thru that heat. Quite a few that did spend that sweltering day w us are cooking along like nothin.
sadly there is no cure for what we have, and even worse it's highly contagious. I have passed the illness on to 4 others.

Oh, are you talking about morehens disease? :D Incubating eggs can get addictive ... And then hens go broody & I give them eggs too!

Good news! The ducklings have hatched & moved them into the brooder area that now has rabbit cage wire on the floor underneath their bedding.

Oh, are you talking about morehens disease? :D Incubating eggs can get addictive ... And then hens go broody & I give them eggs too!

Good news! The ducklings have hatched & moved them into the brooder area that now has rabbit cage wire on the floor underneath their bedding.

ya had to go and post a picture didn't ya!!! Now I have to beg and plea with Jon.. I want 2!!! I will let you know by Tuesday.
ya had to go and post a picture didn't ya!!! Now I have to beg and plea with Jon.. I want 2!!! I will let you know by Tuesday.

I didn't share a photo for your sake, honest!
Don't go getting yourself kicked out two the chicken coop! :)
Oh, by the way, they were co-hatched by hens & this is what I found the other day.


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That is really funny, you named your bunny the same thing I did mine! I think mine has grown.

How are everyone's eggs doing? I'll be candling mine again tomorrow night.
I candled mine a few nights ago. All 5 of my silike eggs were moving around nicely as well as the polish egg I tossed in with about 7 more days to go. I wish that I could say the same for my other incubator. They were supposed to only have 4 day left the other night and I was checking on them before they went on lock down. Every time I had checked them they eggs always seemed on the cool side, but I didn't think to much about it, but when I checked on them this last time The chicks were no where the size they should have been and not a one was moving. So I checked the temperature. It was 80! I have no idea what is going on with my bator. I have never had a problem with it. I ended up tossing the eggs. (they were the mistery tiny eggs that one of my little hens are laying. I had one hatch under a broody so I wasn't totally upset) I am trying to see if I can figure out what it wrong with it. I have a bunch more eggs that I want to hatch this year so I really need it to work right again.

I didn't share a photo for your sake, honest!
Don't go getting yourself kicked out two the chicken coop!

Oh, by the way, they were co-hatched by hens & this is what I found the other day.

I have had chicken hatch ducks many times. It is so cute especially when it was my bantam Frizzled cochin hen Jessie. She was black and it was always so funny to see the white ducks as they got bigger trying to sneak under her. She would tuck her wing over them the best she could.

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