Newbie! - Bantams


11 Years
May 7, 2008
Madison-Columbus WI
Hi everyone,

I am currently contemplating on getting a pair of bantams (Sebrights)
but I do not have a backyard - it's more like a patio. I've been
looking at coop options and the best thing I found that will fit the
space best is this http://www.waremfgi asp?p=01533. Do
you think this is enough room for 2 sebrights to live confortably?

Also in Wisconsin where the weather seems to get a bit colder than most
places is this coop design warm enough for chickens - I can keep it in
the garage during the winter or maybe find a way to heat it.

Any help is appreciated - THANKS!
I can't get your link to work so I can't see the picture.

You should figure 3 sq. feet of inside space for the bantams. They need to be able to be totally protected from the weather and from drafts.

I grew up in WI and if you can put it in your garage during the winter months that would be perfect.

If you don't have the ability to give them outside run space or to free range then you will want to go with a much larger inside space for them.
That would be nice for some bantams. However if you have a patio, the main function for the run on that mini coop is to let them scratch. If I were you and were in a place with cold winters, I'd get a rabbit hutch. I'd try to get one like this: though you can find very similar rabbit hutches for cheaper. And that way they wont be pooping on your patio.
My tiny chicks start out in a guinea pig cage. Move to big oval metal feed trough in the garage. Then move out side to the coop when fully feathered. I have a golden seabright. It's sweet but much more noisy than my others. Good luck figuring out your coop.
I agree with Kanchii - unless your patio has grass so that you can move the tractor around for them to enjoy it; I'd go with something like the rabbit hutch also. It would be so much easier to clean up as you could catch the droppings with a bucket or board or something underneath.

Now - that tractor would be great if you do have the yard space where they can move around for the fresh grass.

Let us know what you decide to do.

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