Newbie here

Not far at all
If you have them indoors and it's warm already (like 75 or so) don't keep the heat lamp on for too long. If you see that they move away from the heat, turn it off. They are too warm. Also watch for panting with their bills open. Again, they are too hot.

Also, if your brooder is big enough....put the lamp on one end so that they can escape from the heat if necessary. Give plenty of water (enough so that they can dip their bills up to their nostrils)

Good luck!
If they came from TSC, they are almost a week old already and you can introduce other foods to them. Just make it very small and give in small quantities. Give them variety. They'll eventually figure out they can eat it after they've finished playing around with it.

I got mine in August last year and had them in a dog kennel on the patio. Light was off during the day as it was in the 90s and on at night in the back corner. I was able to raise it up each week so they weren't too hot at night.
I also turned it on after baths to help them dry out quickly.
Thanks for the responses so far. Love the forum.

Here they are taking their bath last night

and here is the beginning of their new house with their plastic tub sitting on it. I put this together in about 30 minutes today.


I have a plastic netting that I am wrapping around the posts for walls. Also making a door for it tomorrow and the floor is going to be a foot off the ground as you can see. Much bigger than what they are in right now!
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