Nh Market Fairs/ Milford, Nh Swap 9/20

Will anyone have day or week old chicks? My latest hatch (3 chicks) didn't go quite so well, and would like to add a few more babies....Post what you have for day/week olds....
I forget his name, the old guy who comes with his wife and they sell cages. He had a lot of zebra and society finches at Merrimack and Westford. I would think he'd be bringing some to Milford too.

Hey all...I was thinking of doing a poultry dust DEMO on one of my birds. It's just good for those newbies who do not understand how to dust their birds. I'll just use regular poultry dust and then detail DE. Folks who free range understand all too well about mites...it is just something that happens and NOT a fault of anyone. VERY easily and quickly controlled with dusting.

SO the POULTRY Dusting DEMO is at 10am at the soap table!!

edited to add...NEAR the soap table NOT ON the soap table!!
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Sounds like a good thing to know. I have my birds out on the back lawn daily. They are my egg layers---just starting to lay too. Not for sale, but i of course want to keep them happy and healthy!
I have some!!! Very cute...here are some pictures...

I will be driving the Silver Mini van that has a Pug decal on each side..the plate also says SHOWPUG!
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Well, i just hatched out 2 cute wheaton oegb chicks, they are now 4 days old.
2 barred plymouth rocks chicks they are 1 and half week old
Polish chick 1 week and half

And i also have some 3 to 4 week old they are still small.
Cochin Bantam croos jap
here are a few pics
Polish chick

barred rock

jap cross cochin

jap cross cochin

these are japs and some crosses
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Greg does have some he paid for to get printed I think !!

I'm going to print a few off my computer today and hang them at a few local feed stores (that's if I can stop feeling like I'm going to throw up for more than 15 mins to leave the house)

If you have a printer I'm sure you could make a few also. I think that would be the easiest way since I'm not close to Greg to pick any up and not sure if you are !!

At some point I plan on making a flyer with "fill in" time/place/location so I can make a bunch of copy's (to share) and all that will have to be done is people (the group) will have to fill in the time/date/location. That would save a lot of wasted paper and time for someone to print them EVERY swap !!

I also have any idea I discussed with Greg last night for a few mins, I will briefly talk about it here..... I was thinking if we ALL donated a $1 (if possible, NOT mandatory since I don't want people to feel they cant come if they don't) at every swap and someone (who ever the group picks, or Greg) uses that to advertise in a few newspapers (I know up here we have a small news paper called the "penny saver" its not a normal BIG paper.. its were everyone advertises events and other things such as apartments, animals, etc. ) I'm sure there are some down in the Mancheser area like that, also to advertise other places I know of a few more that cost very little money also ($6-$10). I for one have no problem giving a $1 each time to help do my part financially in this as I'm trying to think of more things I can do to get this going !! That might help get these more out there also !! Just an idea.... Might work better than what's going on now.
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