Nifty's Feral Kitty Adventure

I'm 6 months into my fiasco. The two kittens are still working on the Queen. I don't think she's gonna ever give in. I never knew how fickle cats can be about new cats.
I have 3 inside cats. Two originals. One tamed feral. The "feral" has been inside the house for about 8 years now. One of the originals loves her. The other would like to eat her. We keep them separate when we are not at home.
Slooooowwwwwly making progress!

Kitty Meow Meow is on edge and will cry / hiss at Monkey if he is close... that is unless she has food or treats and if Monkey isn't coming towards her unexpectedly.

Occasionally they will both sleep in the same room, him on his pad, her on her pad (with the cage keeping her from going over in his space) and can do so for hours without issue.

The problems arise when she's either not expecting to see him and is surprised, or if he's heading towards her. Monkey is pretty derpy and aloof, and will just explore around the room pretty carelessly, but KMM will interpret that as him coming at her, and get defensive.

Slow and steady progress. Hopefully some day she won't want to actively attack him.

Slooooowwwwwly making progress!

Kitty Meow Meow is on edge and will cry / hiss at Monkey if he is close... that is unless she has food or treats and if Monkey isn't coming towards her unexpectedly.

Occasionally they will both sleep in the same room, him on his pad, her on her pad (with the cage keeping her from going over in his space) and can do so for hours without issue.

The problems arise when she's either not expecting to see him and is surprised, or if he's heading towards her. Monkey is pretty derpy and aloof, and will just explore around the room pretty carelessly, but KMM will interpret that as him coming at her, and get defensive.

Slow and steady progress. Hopefully some day she won't want to actively attack him.

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That's great progress!

Tiny baby steps for Kitty Meow Meow. Every step counts though and it looks like you're very in tune with her need for her bubble to not get dented by Monkey.
Rough collie 😊

Did you recently change your avatar? Rough collie on your old one?
Both are Shelties. I originally had Sammy (3) up, he has a rather long, smooth snout for the breed. He is very fine-boned. I recently switched to Gracie (11), who has a more pronounced snout, is bigger and more coarse and sturdy.
This thing has become SOOOO NEEDY for attention!!

Cat Says: "Where can I put myself for the most pets possible?!?"
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(or maybe she just really likes "mice") LOL!

She is very pretty! I think she is choosing the best place for getting petted.

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