North Carolina

Will do! Hope I see you ladies again next time!

We need to wear name tags.

Yes most definately! Or put a sign next to your chickens" members of NCthread!" :ROFL:

Likewise! It's good to know I have some close by people just in case I get the chicken bug and you ladies got my cure! Although I'm going to limit my desire to a max of 2 more :lol:
After this semester is over, I'll have to plan a "field trip" to Beths!'s a date!

I'm rationalizing bantams by knowing I can use them as incubators. If they're in hanging cages, I won't have a fire ant problem with them hatching. I never had fire ants bother the rabbits.

I have to share this, even though most of you don't know me or my health issues. For years I've been diagnosed with a degenerative, non-treatable neuromuscular disorder. I've gone from being the hay-bale-stacking-feed-bag-slinger to unable to pick up a grown rabbit from the ground, and needing forearm crutches and a leg brace to get around. And I had only to look forward to ending up bed-bound and on a feeding tube.

Until yesterday.

Yesterday I got the results of my latest objective muscle strength tests. The latest attempt at treatment IS WORKING!!!
I have gained strength in both upper and lower body, with huge gains in my legs. So I am celebrating! Confetti for everyone! (Biodegradable confetti, please! Fruity Pebbles!) I have not had good news like this in years! I've given up raising sheep, raising angora rabbits, gave up my macaw I brought back from Panama, gave up my dreams of doing field research....and now I may be able to pick some of my plans and dreams back up! I am on the most amazing high ever right now. So, someone do a happy dance for me. I'm not able to dance yet...but perhaps I'll be able to later!


Super News Hollow!

Okay, Pics of my new aquisitions. Considering that I know absolutely nothing about bantams....

The first is the Crele pair. A bit blurry, but I couldn't get them to be still.

Then the Lemon Blue hen...

Then the Lemon Blue roo...

And just for fun....Jake being perplexed by a turkey poult...

Cute OEGB's... I have a trio of crele bantams, too.... they are so sweet.

Of course I will be at WCA tomorrow... hope to see some old BYC'ers and hopefully some new faces, as well!
Don't forget to bring a cushion... those new bleachers are hard and uncomfortable.
After this semester is over, I'll have to plan a "field trip" to Beths!'s a date!

I'm rationalizing bantams by knowing I can use them as incubators. If they're in hanging cages, I won't have a fire ant problem with them hatching. I never had fire ants bother the rabbits.

I have to share this, even though most of you don't know me or my health issues. For years I've been diagnosed with a degenerative, non-treatable neuromuscular disorder. I've gone from being the hay-bale-stacking-feed-bag-slinger to unable to pick up a grown rabbit from the ground, and needing forearm crutches and a leg brace to get around. And I had only to look forward to ending up bed-bound and on a feeding tube.

Until yesterday.

Yesterday I got the results of my latest objective muscle strength tests. The latest attempt at treatment IS WORKING!!!
I have gained strength in both upper and lower body, with huge gains in my legs. So I am celebrating! Confetti for everyone! (Biodegradable confetti, please! Fruity Pebbles!) I have not had good news like this in years! I've given up raising sheep, raising angora rabbits, gave up my macaw I brought back from Panama, gave up my dreams of doing field research....and now I may be able to pick some of my plans and dreams back up! I am on the most amazing high ever right now. So, someone do a happy dance for me. I'm not able to dance yet...but perhaps I'll be able to later!


I'm SOOOO Glad to Hear this, You go girl!!!


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