North Carolina

Hi and welcome to BYC!!!
Hello all, and welcome to the new "flockers"!

I've been super busy this past week, on top of fighting some sort of sickness (cold-like symptoms), with myself and three of my four kids. Thankfully hubby and our son aren't sick (yet). I have a broody that is sitting on eight eggs and they are due to hatch this Friday. I'm hoping all eight make it, but I'll be happy if only two hatch, as this has been a strange summer for broodies, and hatch rates. This is the first year I've had 7 hens go broody! One went broody twice (once in April and again in July), three went broody during the really hot streak of weather we had in June, and only one hen had a successful hatch, out of the other two, one gave up, and one tried again. The same time she tried again, another hen went broody. One went broody in July, but I had to cull her after she started eating the chicks out of the eggs about a week before they were due to hatch. The last to go broody, went broody, lost the eggs (thanks to my daughter who took them from the nest), pined for a few days, and then tried again.

Anyone else had broody crazy chickens this year, compared to last year?
Does any one in nc have a LF splash rooster bred to the SOP? Would be great if it could be shipped, but I could also pick it up. PM me if you have info. Thanks

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