North Carolina

Hello everyone. Just checking in. We had some scary wind and a monsoon of rain, but aside from trees falling around (nothing hitting anything), we are all safe. The barn (since its not completely finished) did have some tests, and I am happy to report the barn withstood the wind and all that the weather tried throwing at it. The boys & girls (we think 3 boys, 4 girls) are all safe & sound. The DH ran out a few times to do this and that and of course poked his head into the barn to check on the chickens.
it was SO cute!!

I hope everyone else is safe and their chickens are all well!! Looking forward to hearing how all are doing.
Happy to hear you all are safe, we had spring cleaning at our church today and myself and another lady were cleaning out flower beds and the wind was blowing something fierce when it blew the roof off the back porch of our church and it landed ontop of the church building, boy was that scary it was actually standing up right before it fell. It was an alliumnum[sp] roof. the wind today was wicked.
All is well here in Faison... we were informed to take cover and did. Heavy ,Heavy winds, hail, monsoon etc... Tornandos touched down all around our area.

Praying for everyone that was hit.
Ruthann, I am so glad that the babies are settling in ok. They loved the chickweed and the bug when you gave it to them! An interesting drive home because of the weather but made it safely! I hope they all give you as much joy (and eggs) aswe have had incubating and raising them........

Gavin and Allison.
I did get out and check on friends, they are ok but some were not so fortunate. Was shocked to see that a tornado passed about a mile from us.

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