North East ChickenStock 2011 Sat May 14th

JP: If you find anyone with Hungarian Yellows, let me know too! Last year I found someone in Nova Scotia with a flock, but you can't easily ship from Canada. I have always wanted Magyar csirke!


Should I bring some Cserkesz or Gyulai Kolbasz to the Chickenstock? I am seriously considering starting to make our own; all the Hentesz are gone in my area. I have no interest driving to New Brunswick for sausage.

If anyone will like I can bring smoked Hungarian Sausage to the meet, very good with wine and cheese or Palinka for the real Magyars.

JP: My wife brought home kolbasz from the Budai Butcher in New Brunswick last Friday. It was excellent, as usual! We made 80 pounds of kolbasz in the Church kitchen last spring, but no one was up to it this year. We'll have to wait until the fall.

Since it is Chickenstock, why not csirke paprikas?
JPHorvath]I just put 14 Blue Copper Maran eggs in incubator this morning. The couple I picked the eggs up from yesterday informed me the parents are from last years Chickenstock Auction. We would love to come to your event if it is ok, already sounds like you will be over run with lots of visitors we will not need to stay over we are within an hour drive. Please let us know if we may come to the Chickenstock. It would be really nice to meet the folks who brought the Blue Copper Maran eggs to the auction last year.

while there may have been more I know ahappychick and I both donated Blue Copper Marans eggs which were bought by they'reHISchickens which is where you got yours. She was good to put up some pics once they grew and they are GORGEOUS. You will be very happy.
Here is one of the mommas for you
I read in one of your posts that you were looking for Ameraucana hens. When I was buying feed this past Saturday at the Northampton Farm Bureau, I noticed an ad for that breed on their bulletin board. Think the price was $40 for a pair. Call the Farm Bureau in Tatamy at 610-258-2871 and ask them to look on the bulletin board behind the cash register for the info. I think Tatamy is less than an hour from you. Hope this helps.

What color AMS are you looking for?

Should I bring some Cserkesz or Gyulai Kolbasz to the Chickenstock? I am seriously considering starting to make our own; all the Hentesz are gone in my area. I have no interest driving to New Brunswick for sausage.

If anyone will like I can bring smoked Hungarian Sausage to the meet, very good with wine and cheese or Palinka for the real Magyars.

JP: My wife brought home kolbasz from the Budai Butcher in New Brunswick last Friday. It was excellent, as usual! We made 80 pounds of kolbasz in the Church kitchen last spring, but no one was up to it this year. We'll have to wait until the fall.

Since it is Chickenstock, why not csirke paprikas?

Well I was thinking of something that would travel easy that would not require much work once we arrive at the event.

For those who are reading wondering what these two crazy Hungarians are babbling about;

Cserkesz Kolbasz – lightly smoked Hungarian “Scout Sausage”
Gyulai Kolbasz – lightly smoked “Hungarian Sausage”
Palinka- Hungarian Brandy typically from Apricot or Plum
Csirke Paprikas- Hungarian version of Chicken Catetori (chicken stew)

I’m not sure what to bring for a food Item. Though it all does sound good?
while there may have been more I know ahappychick and I both donated Blue Copper Marans eggs which were bought by they'reHISchickens which is where you got yours. She was good to put up some pics once they grew and they are GORGEOUS. You will be very happy.
Here is one of the mommas for you

I'm confused, the image of the splash hen is who’s?

The Blue Copper Maran eggs I just set this past Sunday were picked up from they'reHISchickens
I'm confused, the image of the splash hen is who’s?

The Blue Copper Maran eggs I just set this past Sunday were picked up from they'reHISchickens

Oh it is confusing..I hope this is better.
Its one of my hens who laid some of the eggs that went on to be the parents of your incubating eggs.
I just thought you would like to see the "grandparent" stock.​
I'm also interested in finding somekind of young turkey for my husband. He deals with the girls chickens but I thought if I could find a young turkey I would just put it in the coop with the girls pullets.
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Cottagegarden and JP, I have peeps! The first hatch of pure marans is hatching and YES! we have splash!!!! Is the splash the result of the blue hen and blue roo or is there splash from the black hens too? We only have the blue roo.
We have a soft spot for splashes here:)
So, JP, you may have splashes hatch from those nice brown eggs, too!
Is the splash the result of the blue hen and blue roo or is there splash from the black hens too? We only have the blue roo.

Dottie-Here you go-

Blue X Blue = 50% Blue, 25% Black, 25% Splash
Blue X Splash = 50% Blue, 50% Splash
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash
Splash X Black = 100% Blue
Blue X Black = 50% Blue, 50% Black
Black X Black = 100% Black

Now it doesnt really hold true with small hatches, but it will give you some idea.
Congrats that the "Chickenstock eggs" have become parents!!​
while there may have been more I know ahappychick and I both donated Blue Copper Marans eggs which were bought by they'reHISchickens which is where you got yours. She was good to put up some pics once they grew and they are GORGEOUS. You will be very happy.
Here is one of the mommas for you

Really this splash Hen is a Maran? That will be neat. I didn't think much about the splash chickens until I had seen Dottie’s Splash Orpingtons in person they are gorgeous! The few photographs I had seen of splash chickens prior to seeing them in person just did not do them any justice. I believe they bought them from Hink JC.

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