North Idaho / Eastern Washington

ok, i will ck her out tomorrow in morning. i drove to cda and got to N40 outfitters just in time, 5mins before they closed Sunday. i bought some Corid and will treat my entire flock for 5 days.
My rooster had a raw & bloody anus... any ideas what this is? i am researching their symptoms, in the meantime, i am treating it as coccidiosis.
thanks for any help

If it's just him he could be getting picked on by the ladies. I don't know if roosters can prolapse, but it could be that. I would isolate him and spend a day just observing him. Don't give extra vitamins while you treat with corid, but do give yogurt and vitamins after the treatment is finished if you and up using it.
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Hi, has anyone been watching the U.S. Olympic Trials? I have, and they are amazing atheletes... i love to watch them.
makes me a little concerned since the Zika virus is there.
:welcome to our thread.... you should move here, cuz it is God's country over here in the north-western USA.
do you have chickens? what breed/s do you have, we love pictures.
take care and blessings to you

Welcome! A bit of a warning, if you visit you will almost definitely want to move here. At least that's what happened with my family. ;)

Thank you both! Definitely want to move there one day and I have a feeling visiting will only make me want to more lol

We just got our first chickens in October as day olds from Meyer Hatchery :) we have 8 hens. 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I do have pictures but haven't gotten any recently so I will try to get some tomorrow. :)
If it's just him he could be getting picked on by the ladies. I don't know if roosters can prolapse, but it could be that. I would isolate him and spend a day just observing him. Don't give extra vitamins while you treat with corid, but do give yogurt and vitamins after the treatment is finished if you and up using it.

someone else mentioned he may be getting picked on. they free range, so i dont see him alot, they roam far. I will isolate him; his son almost killed him about 1.5 weeks ago. he is still recovering from this. the stress of that probably brought out the cocci, what do you think? are you saying the seperate him and only treat him for the cocci? & not treat any birds until i observe him & the rest of the chickens?
a lot of changes have been going on w/my flock.. i have added new birds, gave one away for 1-2 months, then he didnt work out so i got him back and he is the one who almost killed my rooster. then i got another rooster and he has been isolated, then i let him out w/t flock and he fought w/my australorp, i have them seperated. not sure if i will keep this rooster.
maybe i have produced too much stress for my birds?
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Thank you both! Definitely want to move there one day and I have a feeling visiting will only make me want to more lol

We just got our first chickens in October as day olds from Meyer Hatchery :) we have 8 hens. 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Easter Eggers. I do have pictures but haven't gotten any recently so I will try to get some tomorrow. :)

I have always wanted to visit the east coast. i have been to florida, but this all, i would love to see it all, especially MA.
you chickens must be beautiful... they are fun, enjoy them.
someone else mentioned he may be getting picked on. they free range, so i dont see him alot, they roam far. I will isolate him; his son almost killed him about 1.5 weeks ago. he is still recovering from this. the stress of that probably brought out the cocci, what do you think? are you saying the seperate him and only treat him for the cocci? & not treat any birds until i observe him & the rest of the chickens?
a lot of changes have been going on w/my flock.. i have added new birds, gave one away for 1-2 months, then he didnt work out so i got him back and he is the one who almost killed my rooster. then i got another rooster and he has been isolated, then i let him out w/t flock and he fought w/my australorp, i have them seperated. not sure if i will keep this rooster.
maybe i have produced too much stress for my birds?
I wouldn't treat the whole flock for corid unless you're sure that's what it is. I would separate your bloody boy and see how he does alone. He could have had some internal trauma that is making him poop blood but it's unlikely, he's probably just getting pecked at. Either way separation is probably best.

Mixing up a flock is stressful for sure, but if that little bit of stress causes him to get sick from cocci (which all chickens have any way) I would rethink keeping him as a breeder. That's just me though, I don't know how attached you are to him.

Most anytime to call would be good, or you can find me on FB too. Lacie Bateman, that goes for all you chicken peeps on here. ^_^
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I wouldn't treat the whole flock for corid unless you're sure that's what it is. I would separate your bloody boy and see how he does alone. He could have had some internal trauma that is making him poop blood but it's unlikely, he's probably just getting pecked at. Either way separation is probably best.

Mixing up a flock is stressful for sure, but if that little bit of stress causes him to get sick from cocci (which all chickens have any way) I would rethink keeping him as a breeder. That's just me though, I don't know how attached you are to him.

Most anytime to call would be good, or you can find me on FB too. Lacie Bateman, that goes for all you chicken peeps on here. ^_^
ok, thank you. I will call you later today, is that still ok?

i just gave corid in water, just wanted to be safe. i cked my australorp rooster and he is infested w/mites... do i need to clean the entire coop out? or can i just sprinkle/pour 7/seven on top of shavings?
I think i will cull my rooster, he may have internal injuries??? i am so overwhelmed and confused on what to do now?
any suggestions? ANYONE???

seeing all those mites gives me the heeby jeebies... i want to take a shower & sprinkle 7 all over myself. Can i get the mites??

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