North Idaho / Eastern Washington

Well hellllooo! I've been on the Washingtonians forum for a bit now and thought I would venture out! I think some of you guys are closer to me as most there are from the west side of the state. Let me know if any of you have connections as to where I can find LF Brahmas, Faverolles, Australorps, Sussex (speckled or light), and Orpingtons (lavender, blue). I need a new rooster also as I had to cull my very mean BR recently
. I would like to try a Salmon Faverolles roo or a Brahma roo as I hear they tend to be nicer.
I ended up skipping the Fair :( I heard from my DB's mom that is wasn't very good this year. I really only wanted to go so I could meet fellow chicken lovers but then I realized I have you guys here so Im set
My DB also pointed out that if I wanted to see fancy birds all I had to do was look out our front door lol. He's right, we have quite a diverse flock and I love every single fluffy goofball! We get compliments all the time from family and friends, most didn't even know Fancy Chickens existed.
I did hear about a pretty neat chicken from a friend who doesn't know anything about breeds. From her description it sounds like she saw a Polish/Silkie with Purple neck feathers. Im not sure if she means Lavender or Self Blue, I would love to see if anyone here knows of such a bird.
Sure is quite in here!
Anyone going/have gone to the Spokane Fair? I was hoping to go see the chickens but, if I am reading the schedule right, the poultry exhibits are released on Thursday. I won't be able to go until the weekend
Sheesh... I got lost for a while! How's everyone's chickies doing with the winter weather? Mine were loving the warmish wind today!
A little goopy here. About 6 inches of snow today and my free range girls didn't really know what to do with that. I have two groups in coop/yards and they are actually a little muddier than the rangers. Tomorrow I'll add another layer of straw to the yard and clean the coops out. I like it when January is finished.

Is anyone on here near Grangeville or Whitebird, Kooskia, Kamiah?


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