North to Alaska!

I just found this husband & youngest 3 children have lived here in AK for 12 yrs. We came up with the Alr Force, lived on Elmendorf (now JBER) for 2 yes, then moved to Palmer. I started out w chickens, now raise 3 breeds of duck & 2 breeds of geese. I only have 4 chickens...1 from my original 20, one that was the 3rd bird I ever hatched, & 2 younger, actively laying hens. 😊
Hello, Yukon mouth region, northern southeast, southcentral. I was born and raised here, so were my parents and their parents, (it goes way back both are 1/2). They never intended on raising a poultry obsessed kid, and now I’ve gone off and chased my obsession. I do quite like southeast, the forest is nice and I enjoy the clouds and rain (the ducks do too). Kodiak is an amazing place, I wish to live there if only for a brief while, it’s like mixing Circle with Sitka, real funny looking place. I don’t ever see myself moving to my mother’s village, flat, and it floods real bad in the spring (as kids you could paddle around In a bathtub or sled). Though I do long for my father’s if they don’t log it all away. I’m in the valley now, there’s a wide variety of trees here, birch, cottonwood, aspen, willow, alder, white spruce, black spruce… nice seasons, it isn’t like the interior. Glad it isn’t frying pan hot in the summer, not Hell-just-froze-over cold in the winters. Oh- and I need not worry about getting snowed in here. Palmer, Houston, Wasilla, Point Mac, Anchorage, Fairbanks, Kenai, Homer, Seward, Whittier, Soldotna, Eureka, Eklutna, and circle can all be driven to.
I am curious about the lower 48, and the thing that brings me down there might just be emus- but I can’t see myself going down. Anybody here move down? It looks stuffy, and I can’t even handle Anchorage. Maybe it isn’t for me.
Welcome from NW AK and I've got...(its in the siggie) plus a few more...I use the deep bedding method and cleaned it completely every Friday night or Saturday last winter until I realized I was throwing all the heat out into the compost pile!

So I cleaned out only half once a month but added shredded paper and straw to give the girls (RIR's) a feeling of a cleaned coop which they rewarded me w/the maximum amount of eggs that day, every time!

The 1st 8 RIR hens in their first winter of laying provided 9-12 eggs every day I provided a clean coop. OOps, got two pullets outside the chain link fence, gotta get them back in...
Welcome to the BYC.

Put a heat lamp in the coop that points down to the waterer so it dosn't freeze.
I just moved down here to Alabama from Alaska last year. I lived in Alaska for the last 26 years but I didn't have chickens then.
I lived in Anchorage, Homer, Cordova & Kodiak Island. Man do I miss Alaska and it sure is HOT down here in Bama.

Ahh Alaska!

I spent several years there as a clergyman, and miss it terribly!

Didn't have chickens at that time, but stayed with a priest who did.

Get them close to the cows in the barn. Barring that, I'm afraid I have no useful advice other than find other chicken owners and do what they do.

Good luck!
btw, i shut my chickens up in the coop. no they can't get out, but neither can the heat. Somebody asked about insulating. a friend and i use the old feed sacks and staple/tack them up around the outside walls of the coop. It doesn't hurt. I haven't found a frozen egg in weeks.
I've been able to find an old ordinance for the City of Wasilla, but I don't live within city limits and so I believe the bourough code is what we would adhere to. But, thus far, I've been unable to teach down the bourough codes regarding chickens, if there even are any.

Call the borough office in Palmer. They can tell you for sure.

Animal Care & Regulation
Carol Vardeman

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